Uxio X
Ex to Sex
Rich eyed Keith as they sat on the couch, he was definitely getting closer and closer to seriously drunk. They'd broken up a month ago, because Keith had said that Rich was too possessive but that he still wanted to be friends and maybe one day they'd be able to work things out. For the past month Rich had been showing that he could learn not to be possessive, that he didn't mind if Keith hung out with other people, and neither of them had dated anyone else. He knew that the thought of getting back together was turning over in Keith's mind, but for some reason he just wasn't saying anything about it.Well, tonight that was going to change. Rich wasn't brave enough to approach Keith on this at the moment, but he knew that if they ended up getting drunk enough to hook up then they'd have to talk about it... and in the meantime, hooking up would make Keith remember all the really great stuff before their break-up. Not to mention all the changing that Rich had been doing in the meantime... and now Keith was pretty smashed. He wasn't feeling totally all there either, but he wasn't nearly drunk enough to forget either; instead it gave him some bravery.They were flipping through TV channels, on the Discovery Channel there was a deer who was mounting a doe, but was simultaneously being mounted by another buck! The two guys started cracking up, Keith laughed so hard that he feel against Rich's shoulder and Rich had to put his arm around him to hold him up. Giggling, Keith lifted his head to see his ex-boyfriend's face... they were only about an inch apart.When life was going to hand Rich an opportunity he was going to take it... so he leaned forward and kissed Keith. For a moment there seemed to be a little resistance, and then it shed and Keith opened his lips to deepen the kiss. Rich felt like he was flying high as they started to kiss more and more passionately, he practically melted against his ex as their hands began to run over each other's bodies.As their lips parted and Keith began drunkenly trying to strip him, he also started talking, "Rich... I just want you to know... dammit..." his head got stuck in his shirt and Rich helped him pull it off, "That I really appreciate - here, lift that ass lover - all the changes you've made for me..." big eyes looked up into his, "Things are so good now... I just don't want you to go back to the way you were before... I'm scared of that."Ok, so maybe he wasn't as drunk as Rich had thought, but that was probably a good thing anyway. Smiling, he cupped Keith's face in his hands and savored the sight of his naked ex, "I changed for you... and I'm not going to change back. That's for you too." And he kissed him.Keith practically latched onto his mouth, pressing him down with his own body so that he could feel his dick digging into Keith's thigh and Keith's pressing against his hip. Their hips moved as they rubbed against each other, their hands re-exploring each other's bodies and finding all those old hot spots that they knew so well. Rich shivered as Keith bit down lightly on his collarbone, his fingers entwined in Keith's hair and he tugged it hard. Slowly Keith's mouth worked down his body until his tongue started working around his balls and dick. Rich moaned and thrust his hips upwards as Keith started licking the shaft like it was a lollipop, pressing his lips against the swollen mushroom head.Moving his lower body around, Keith placed his hips right over Rich's mouth, and Rich gripped his buttocks to bring Keith's dick to his lips. As it lowered into his mouth he sucked and swallowed, moaning as he felt Keith's mouth swallow his own turgid member. The two men slurped and licked, Rich as best he could since he didn't have quite as much room to maneuver. Instead he used his hands to squeeze Keith's balls and brought one of his fingers up to Keith's ass where he began to press gently against the crinkled hole. Keith's efforts on his dick redoubled and his hips started to press back as Rich's finger slid into his ass, massaging the insides as his mouth massaged Keith's dick.Rich's talented mouth and fingers were working magic on Keith's body, and he couldn't concentrate enough on returning the favor. Instead he just grabbed a hole of Rich's dick with his hand and cried out, trying to suck and lick when he could but mostly just becoming enthralled with the feelings that were over taking his own body. Another finger slid into his ass and he gasped with the pleasure of it, pressing his dick more firmly down Rich's throat. Rich swallowed it easily, eager to please his returned lover.It didn't take very long before Keith lost control and his load slid down Rich's throat as he swallowed it greedily, milking Keith's dick with his tongue.Keith pulled off of him and he let his finger's slide from his lover's ass, his eyes widening in surprise and pleasure as Keith positioned his stretched asshole above Rich's dick. Lowering himself Keith moaned appreciatively as his ass gaped further, tightly gripping Rich's excited member. Rich moaned and thrust upwards, invading Keith's ass, his excited pumping and the teasing from beforehand almost unbearable. Keith watched him with happy and glowing eyes, his wet limp dick flopping a little as he rode his recent ex.Very quickly Rich was pumping his cum into Keith's backdoor, unable to control his excitement at the entire situation. Keith bore down on Rich's dick, gripping him tightly and using his ass muscles to massage a very long and intense orgasm out of him.That night Rich went to sleep incredibly happy, his body spooned around Keith's as Keith held his hands in his sleep.
Ethiopian Cabin Boy
When I left Bangkok, Thailand, the first time, I originally thought I'd be returning to a world that was almost completely straight and that my days of enjoying a rich and active bi lifestyle were over. My work with the government, with its strong homophobic policies, just didn't seem to leave that avenue safely open to me. And for a couple of years, when I was assigned to Washington, D.C., and was retraining to work on the ground to unravel secrets for the United States as I had recently been doing high overhead as a photoreconnaissance jet driver, my sex life was pretty heterosexual.But to my surprise, when I was training for intelligence gathering, I discovered that my line of work wasn't as pristine sexually as I had tried to convince myself it was. I should already have been aware of this, as I had already gotten hints of my spy masters looking the other direction in Bangkok when it pleased them to do so. And in my training, I learned that they could be pleased to do so if the intelligence needed was considered very important and when the options of "getting the goods" were restricted.I was sent into the Middle East and stationed in Cyprus, which is now considered in relationship to the Middle East somewhat like Switzerland was considered to Europe in World War II--a safe haven where spies can meet on neutral ground and where it is considered ungentlemanly (although it does happen on occasion) for "wet" (meaning doing someone to death) operations to be conducted. And it wasn't long before I learned how far I might be expected to go to "get the goods" in my job. It was also where I quickly found a new answer to one of three questions that had perpetually come up in the world of "bottoms" in my Bangkok days: This question was "What was your longest?" One of the other questions, "What was your thickest?," would also be answered when I lived on Cyprus, but during a different tour a decade later. The remaining question, "What was the most satisfying?," had already been answered years earlier in Bangkok in the form of a black Army officer (who, with his 10 by 2 dimensions, almost answered the other two questions as well).The "longest" question was answered in the form of an Ethiopian cabin boy on the yacht of a Saudi businessman at anchor off the Larnaka waterfront. This promenade, very European in atmosphere, enjoyed a deep, flat beach separated from a long hotel and sidewalk caf front of gaily decorated umbrellas and tables by a wide boulevard. The boulevard was anchored at one end by a yacht marina and at the other by the medieval harbor castle where Richard the Lionhearted married his shipwrecked Berengaria.After our encounter, the Ethiopian had me singing a couple of octaves higher than normal and walking around tenderly--although the later part might have been caused by the escapades later that night. I can't attest to how long the Ethiopian's cock was, but both my eyes and my intestines are quite sure they've never seen or felt a longer one.When he took me, we were in a lower-deck cabin of the yacht, where you couldn't stand up straight except in the middle of the room. A double bed went in under the bulkhead. The Saudi owner of the yacht and I had just agreed on some successful business of a nefarious government nature, and the Saudi had been very attentive to me and let me know he wanted to fuck me. I had met him at a couple of embassy cocktail parties earlier and apparently had made a very favorable impression on him. I could tell by the way he looked at me that he fancied me, but I didn't make the connection at the time when I was assigned to contact him. My spy masters wanted the deal to go well, and I had been told to do what it took to conclude the deal--and I subsequently came to assume that my masters knew exactly what the Saudi businessman was interested in getting in return for his vital information. So, when he so directly propositioned me and connected it with his willingness to provide what I had come for, I said I would sleep with him that night on the yacht. Clearly delighted, he responded that, in appreciation, he'd send me a gift before dinner.An Ethiopian cabin boy--not a "boy," of course, but an adult young man--had been gliding around the yacht all day as it wallowed off the colorful Larnaka waterfront, doing this and that. He was incredibly tall and thin, really out of place on a yacht with cramped head room, even if it was large. When I opened the door of my cabin to him, he was carrying a tray with a bottle of champagne and one glass on it, but I knew right away that he was my gift, because he was nude. His pecker hung down almost to his knees, it seemed--and this thighs were unusually long in themselves. I had never really thought about whether the unusual height on some African tribesmen had a relationship to dimensions elsewhere, but just then my education in that department lengthened considerably.There was no thought of me refusing this gift from the Saudi; he hadn't given me the promised information yet, and this was no time to rock the boat--other than the rocking the Ethiopian was about to do with his performance on my body, of course.I was still in just my Speedo, so there wasn't much undressing required. The tray also had a bottle of KY on it, and the Ethiopian just slid off my Speedo and knelt there and sucked me hard, while pulling his own meat to erection. I fell back onto the bed, which was low to the floor, while he lathered himself and my hole up. He wishboned my legs up and out and I dug my feet into the low bulkhead that stretched out over the bed. He then knelt between my legs and just fed and fed and fed and fed that long eleven- or twelve-incher up into me.At first he moved my hand to my ass and had me cup my fingers there so that he was pushing his cock through my cupped fingers, giving him a hand job as well as him giving me an ass fuck, when he entered me. I gasped as he reached a depth inside me I'd rarely felt before even though he had to go three inches through my fingers before entering me. But he laughed hoarsely as I panted and moaned to accommodate him. And then he brushed my hand away and I arched my back and cried out my astonishment and passion as he just dug deeper and deeper inside me. It wasn't all that painful, because his cock was pretty thin, but he had to have gotten well up into my intestines and stretched them out where they'd never been touched by a foreign object before.I looked up as he was doing this, and the Saudi was lounging in the doorway watching me get royally fucked. The Ethiopian pumped me that way for a while and then turned me over on my belly and got that cock even farther up into me, taking it all out and then just slamming all the way back in repeatedly until he needed to cum. And he withdrew then and shot off all over the small of my back. I was digging my fists into the bedding as best I could to hold position while he jackhammered into me. I'd already cum twice by then myself, once with the help of his mouth and then with the help of his hand.The Saudi just stood there and watched with slitted eyes, and he kept his hand busy with his own cock. His "gift" to me was even more another gift to himself. He really wanted his entertainment worth for those precious secrets he held, and the long, long Ethiopian and I gave him quite a show.That night the Saudi and his bulky bodyguard did me in a sandwich in an all-night fuck fest in the main cabin, which was not nearly as cramped as mine was. The Saudi's equipment was nothing to write home about and he came quickly, but the bodyguard had a really thick piece and was a fast reloader and had a vigorous, long-endurance pelvis action. Lots of nice muscle. He's probably the one who was responsible for my bowed legs and shuffling walk--and big smile--the next day.They did me in turn. Then, as a finale, the Saudi really wanted to get his cock in there with the bodyguard's, but I wasn't having any of that, needed secrets or not. The bodyguard alone was much too thick.I never did drink the champagne, and I can only surmise that the information I collected was worth my effort--at least my masters were well pleased when I returned, and they asked me no questions about my use of trade craft in getting the goods.
I went to a traditional grammar school and the following event(s) occurred during our final term (i.e. all of us had just turned 18 and our hormones and bodies were finding new exepriences). I enjoyed a place in the first rugby team; I played hooker, being small, and used to swing off the shoulders of the two props - if I didn't get the ball I made sure I got someone else's.The practice had gone OK but it was throwing it down and all got drenched, filthy and somewhat cold. After the practice Ian Rattle, the gym master (his middle name was Tim - It rattle(s) - parents obviously had a sense of humour even if he didn't) called me over and asked me to collect the posts and lock up the gym as he had a masters' meeting. This pissed me off as I was now shivering with cold but Rattle was never to be argued with and I acquiesced. I trudged round the field swearing out loud, collected the posts, took them to the gear locker and made my way back to the pavilion. Two of my mates shouted that they were last, they couldn't wait any longer and they'd see me tomorrow, etc.Fucked off I entered the changing rooms and was surprised to see Greg Chambers still there tying his shoes and getting ready for the off. I let off some expletives at him for no reason, saying how frozen I now was but as I found my locker he explained how to turn the heat up for the showers. We were never allowed to have warm showers - presumably to prevent any horseplay etc. I now felt embarrassed that I had let rip at Greg but he seemed OK about it and said he'd be off - I didn't even say goodbye.I stripped off (we wore rugby shirt, tight short shorts and jocks then), entered the shower room, turned the heat up and grabbed a nice hot shower. Usually while in the showers I watch the others just because I compared favourably with them, we all joked about size and mostly pretend sexual exploits and only once did any of us have a hard on. This caused such a commotion and taunts from the others ranging from queer, bent and wanker to arse licker and dog fucker, from then if any of us felt that way we quickly returned to the cold water to cool off.As I was on my own I let the hot water play on my dick and lathered well up including my arse crack. I must have been in there revelling in it for 15 minutes - thinking what would Rattle do if he knew I'd turned the heat up. I dried off and came out with a hard on smack upright against my pubes. Fucking hell, if it wasn't Greg on the centre bench as I came out of the showers. My mind raced, could he have seen me showering/drying? He muttered something to the effect that he had waited to check I was all right and had managed to turn the heat up. He also said he wanted to ensure I had the right key.Even if he hadn't seen the shower he could see my bloody upright dick now. I think I must have run to my locker and grabbed my clothes. I had a spare rugby shirt, jock and track suit bottoms to put on under my coat to go home. Stupidly I grabbed the jock and tried to get it on. I was still slightly wet from the shower, rock hard and shaking with embarrassment.Greg just leant back on his arms and said you wont get that in there. I asked whether he'd been watching in the showers to which he replied it had been the best show he'd ever seen. He came over told me not to be so piqued and made a grab (and got) my balls.Greg told me to lie down on the bench and relax. Light a dumb slave I did so and then experienced the expertise of Greg for the first time. He pushed my head down on to the bench as I was trying to see watch what was going on. One hand gently pulled my balls down pulling my foreskin from over my glans the other gently rubbed up my shaft. I was back hard as ever! He then slid his hand between my body and my dick palm to my abdomen and started rubbing the back of his hand against my shaft. I thought I was going to come. His hand then slipped up to my nipples tweaked them and lightly massaged back down to my dick. The hand that had cupped my balls now pulled down on the skin of my shaft. Eventually I yelled - Fuck Fuck Fuck Greg I'm going to come!Hold on Ry he said and massaged my abdomen some more. After a few minutes calming down he returned to my dick (I had my eyes shut more out of embarrassment than ecstasy). He took the head into his mouth like a plum and began to massage it with his tongue. He held his teeth round my rim while he flicked the slit with his tongue and spit was dribbling down my shaft and onto my pubes. I was trembling not from the cold but from trying not to come - somehow I thought he would not think I was gay if I didn't come! He then slowly sucked his way all down my shaft, licked and sucked each ball individually to only to return to my mushroom suck some more. I knew I was dribbling pre now and he was still licking and slurping. At the same time as he was tongue massaging my dick I felt one of his hands rub the spit and pre down my arse crack.Fuck I was going to come. I felt like nothing ever before. I lifted my arse high up into the air pushing my dick down his throat. I felt the top of his mouth rub as it went down. As my dick went down his throat his finger went up my arse. I yelled out at the top of my voice FUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKK, FUCK FUCK and came for England.I was shaking this was my first gay experience - this was my first experience of anything but self-wanking. I had to get dressed, it was 5.45pm and the masters' meeting would be finishing and the caretaker would be checking the locks. Fuck I couldn't find the key - Greg had taken it and locked it from the inside (this was pre-meditated!)We walked home together chatted for hours and though we kept our relationship quiet whilst at school we have been together ever since. (The rest is for part 2)
Gran Canarian Dreams
At last! I'd been waiting weeks for this holiday and it had finally arrived. I had heard so much about Gran Canaria and here I finally was, ready for a fortnight of sun, sand, sea and hopefully a bit of the other.I was already sweating by the time I reached my apartments, each with a lounge downstairs and bedroom and bathroom upstairs leading on to a balcony.After checking in, I made my way to my row of apartments, passing the pool on the way. There were plenty of people around, families and couples all making the most of the hot, sunny weather.Then I saw what I was looking for - at the far side of the pool lay a bronzed adonis on his own. It was as if he had felt my gaze, slowly pushing himself up off his sun lounger. He walked to the pool and dived in.My mind replayed his walk again - a slim, muscular body, pecs glistening with the sun oil he'd used, tapering down to a 32 inch waist. Black speedos hugged his hidden package, but the bulge was enough to stir my loins His thick thighs flexed as he walked pool-side.I was awoken from my day dream by the splash of him hitting water and surfacing not more than 10 feet away. His blond spiky hair looked even cuter now that it was plastered to his head and his sparkling blue eyes lit up his face. I couldn't have imagined a more perfect man if I had tried. A smile and nod, then he turned and swam back to the far end of the pool.Tearing myself away I went and found my room. After unpacking, I went and sat on my patio, savouring a cool drink. One of the Spanish maintenance men walked past, the opposite of my pool adonis, with dark wavy hair, but a sight none-the-less. He smiled at me as he walked past and I watched his tight buns fill his shorts as he walked down the path.I turned in the direction that he had come from and walking towards me was my pool fantasy. I watched every muscle flex as he walked towards me - and then into the apartment next door! I couldn't believe it - he'd be sleeping on the other side of the wall to me. Actually no - he'd be closer than that if I had my way.A few minutes later, he came back out - to my dismay a pair of bermudas covering the speedos and a vest covering his chest.'Hi' he said, 'Looks like we are neighbours. I'm Danny''Hi! I'm Ricky' I replied, my mouth drying as I spoke.'Are you here on your own?' he asked and when I replied that I was, he said 'So am I. I arrived earlier today and was going to explore tonight. How do you fancy joining me? Come round for a drink around 7 and we'll take it from there. Come in if I don't answer, I'll be upstairs on the balcony. I'm off to the beach now, but I'll see you later I hope''Sure, see you later' I replied. I couldn't believe it - I'd been here less than an hour and I'd already met a hunkI stayed by the pool that afternoon to get the starting of a tan. There were no other single men around, so I kept myself to myself and waited for evening. I was still by the pool when Danny returned and I instantly begin to feel myself stir in my speedos.I gave him 15 minutes, then pulled on my top and shorts and went round to the apartment.I slowly opened the door and entered the room. There was no sign of Danny, so thinking that he would be on the balcony, I made my way upstairs.I heard the sound of a shower being turned off, so I called out.'Won't be a minute. Make yourself comfortable' I heard a familiar voice call out.As I was making my way across the bedroom area to the balcony, I heard the bathroom door open. Turning, I heard myself gasp.Danny was stood in the doorway, a small towel wrapped around his waist, barely covering his cock and balls. Water was running down his firm torso, pecs glistening with moisture.'Hey, you finally made it' he said, a wry smile on his face. 'Thought I'd been stood up''No way' I said, my eyes taking in this wonderful sight, scanning his body until they came to rest on the towel.He must have been able to feel the heat and lust from my eyes as the towel slowly began to tent in front of me.'I should be embarrassed' laughed Danny, 'but I can see you have the same problem.' I glanced down and saw the clear outline of my boner through my shorts.I took one step forward, my hand reaching out for the top of the towel, slowly loosening its grip on his waist. It slid to the floor, his 7 inch shaft springing to attention as it did so. I grasped his hardness and pulled him towards me. As our bodies connected, his wet chest began to soak through my t-shirt. I raised my arms and Danny slid it off. Flesh against flesh, our lips met and as his parted, I slid in my tongue, tasting him for the first time.My own hard on was raging by now and he pushed my shorts down, leaving cock against cock. I was already leaking pre-cum in anticipation and the sticky liquid bound us together even more.I reached down, took both cocks in my hand and slowly began to rub them together. A slow moan came from Danny's mouth as I pushed him backwards towards the bed.I fell on top of him, not wanting to let go, feeling his smooth chest against mine.I slowly traced my tongue down his body. I reached a nipple and slowly licked around it and it hardened to the touch.I continued downwards until I felt his soft pubes brush against my chin. I glanced up and could see that he was enjoying this as much as I was.Leaving his cock for now, my tongue flicked on his ball sac and opening my mouth, I slowly sucked in one of his nuts until I had it fully covered. Rolling my tongue around it, I heard him groan with pleasure, so I opened my mouth further and took in the second one.My hand worked my way down my own body and I gripped my cock. I was leaking all over the place, so as I continued to suck on his sack, I swung my body round so that he could taste my man juice.My cock bobbed in front of his face and he leaned up to lick the helmet of my shaft. I shuddered in delight as his tongue probed the tip.I released his balls and burrowed my face in his pubes and then slowly licked my way up his rod until I reached the top and slowly devoured his whole seven inches.My own cock slid out of his mouth as he gasped in pleasure as I slowly worked my way up and down his throbbing tool. 'Oh man' he gasped as I increased intensity, until he cried, 'I'm going to shoot'.I felt his cock tense and then pulse after pulse of his spunk shot down my throat. I swallowed as much as I could, but there was just too much and it began to leak out of the corners of my mouth.Finally he stopped shooting, and with a mouthful of his warm fluids, I turned and planted a long kiss on his mouth. After the initial surprise of me passing back his liquid, he smiled and our tongues met, his white climax passing back and forth between us.Finally he swallowed his cum and said, 'Well that has sorted me, but I've still got you to satisfy. I want you to fuck me!'My own 7 inches jumped to attention with that invitation. I didn't need asking twice.Danny then turned over, showing me his perfect ass and by raising is back slightly, I could see his ring pucker in anticipation.He threw me a tube of lube and squeezed some on to my fingers. Resting one finger on the entrance to his tunnel, I slowly worked it into his ass, quickly followed by a second. I felt him open up in anticipation of something bigger.I couldn't wait any longer, and having squirt more lube on my dick, I pushed it against his hole and slipped inside. We both moaned with pleasure and I felt him squeeze and grip my dick.I slowly pulled out and slammed back in, my balls hitting his ass cheeks. He grunted with delight and I gradually increased the rhythm, in and out.We moved in unison as I built up to my climax. I couldn't hold it in any longer and with a final moan, I shot my load into the depths of his body. I felt like I was cumming forever as I released a bigger load than ever before, before I collapsed on top of him, my dick still positioned firmly up his ass.Danny leaned up and kissed me on the lips.'Not bad!' he said, with a smile, 'but it's only day one of both our holidays - just think what we can achieve by the end of this fortnight!'I licked my lips. 'I can't wait' I replied, as I worked my way down his body, to his already hardening tool, 'I can't wait.'
They say that no one is 100% straight. I like to think that I'm 99% straight, and that one percent was a very special circumstance. His name was Chris. I know him in high school and he and I were very good friends, almost the best of friends. He also lived two streets over from me. We hung out together all the time and in the time we spent together, I grew to love him.I never let him know how much I was attracted to him, because I knew he wouldn't be interested in doing anything. But boy, he was something. He was 6' 5'' and in amazing shape. He was fairly skinny, but what bulk he did have was all muscle. He had the broad shoulders and lean face of a man, even from the time he was a freshman. I loved when he wore tight shirts and I could see his pecs stretching the fabric. His nose was prominent, but made him look very noble. He had ear length dirty blond hair that framed his face perfectly.All throughout high school, my affection for him grew. However, it was an unrequited love for our whole school career. He fueled many of my fantasies, but that's all they were: fantasies. I never acted on them even though every fiber of my being cried for him. And so it went like this for four years: me secretly yearning for him and him being seemingly oblivious. Finally, graduation came. I was torn about this. Part of me didn't want to leave but another part of me was glad that I didn't have to be tortured by Chris' presence. One day near the end of school, Chris asked me to come by his house. I assumed this was just to say goodbye, and it was, in a way.When I got there, he asked if I wanted to take a walk in his backyard. He had a fair amount of property. I consented and we walked around to the back. At first, our conversation was just the average buddy kind of talk. Soon, we soon found ourselves talking about our future and graduation. He divulged how he was going to be leaving the state to go to college a few weeks after school let out."So we won't see each other pretty much ever again?" I asked."Yeah. I'll miss you. However, before we part. I need to talk to you about something. I know how you feel about me..." I could feel my face flush red in embarrassment. He must've noticed, because he said "It's ok. I feel the same."He grabbed my head and pulled me into a passionate kiss. Our tongues moved around each other in a dance of desire. He pulled off his shirt and revealed the chest and six-pack abs which I had fantasized over many times. I, being a little shorter than he, started to lick his chest and take his nipples in my mouth. With my hands, I felt his firm shoulders and moved down to his rock hard biceps. He looked down at me and he looked like an angel, strong yet caring, noble yet passionate. I undid his pants and pulled them down revealing his hard cock. It was bigger than I had even imagined, a full uncut 9''.I took it in my mouth and started to suck it and play with it with my tongue. With one hand I cupped his balls and with the other I continued to grope his chest. He rocked in and out. I loved the feeling of his soft yet firm flesh against my lips. I could feel he was about to cum, but he pulled out. He picked me up, his muscles flexing a bit with the effort. He undressed me. While I was not in as good a shape as Chris, I certainly wasn't bad looking and my cock was about 7'' and also uncut. He and I kissed again while he started to fondle my cock and balls. Soon he bent me over and entered me. It felt amazing to be so connected to him, to be one flesh with him. It was euphoria. He went in slowly and I screamed from the pain, having never had anything in my ass except my own finger. Soon, however the pain subsided and all I could feel was the immense pleasure, both physical and spiritual. He started to rock in and out. It felt so good. I started to stroke my cock, our rhythms in perfect sync. Soon he could take it no longer and he came, shooting his huge, warm load into me. The feeling made me come too. We collapsed, entirely spent. We just lay together enjoying the feeling of the other's warm body next to ours.That was the last time he and I saw each other outside of school. We never brought it up again, but it didn't need to be. It was this quiet understanding between us. It was our way of saying goodbye.
Got Rice?
Rice stood up from his chair and went into the bathroom; he had to wipe all of the sticky cum from his naked tanned thigh. The excess on his hand he licked clean, he loved the way he tasted. Rice smiled in the mirror, his dirty tangled blonde hair made him look like a surfer boy. Grinning, he stared deep into his blue-grey eyes and admired himself, 5' 6", shaved and lean and a healthy six and a half inch cock. He hardly hit the weights out and so wasn't really well defined with bulging musculature, but was well toned from his running track for the university. Rice wanted to ooze sex today as he had his sights on a local soccer stud; he looked mysterious and was actually more pretty than handsome. Today is the day Brandon is mine, Rice thought to himself as he grabbed his pants and tossed them on before heading off to practice.At the university where Rice went around a track surrounded the soccer field where the team practiced, Rice saw Brandon every practice out there running, playing soccer whilst he did his usual eight lap run. Brandon was a stud at the university and was well toned, he looked like Cobi Jones to Rice and he always wanted to sample his taste. All Rice could think of was how firm Brandon's ass looked as it was straining in those tight shorts, and how huge his cock had to be. The image of Brandon's thick brown cock head teasing his pouty lips made him hard and he could hardly wait to make his move. Three laps down, just a few more times I get to see that ass today. He thought to himself as the track whizzed by in a blur. Rice couldn't see the track anymore, didn't hear the sounds of the players or other runners practicing, there was only his breathing, the anticipation of waiting for his chance to make his move. Then suddenly, as Rice was dreaming of the musky taste of cock in his mouth, he tripped and landed awkwardly.A few of the soccer players saw this and laughed, but Brandon told them to shut up. Quickly he ran over to Rice. He even smiles like Cobi. Rice thought, and quickly he took a peak at his bulge, he licked his lips."Are you okay? You took a pretty bad spill.""Um, yeah I think I'm okay." Rice replied. He winced as he tried to stand. "Don't know if I can walk home on it like this though.""Do you want a ride back home?" Brandon asked, his bare chest streaked with sweat, his shoulder length brown locks a mess.Rice managed a crooked smile, "Yeah, thanks.""Okay, hold on. Let me tell the guys we're calling practice short today." Brandon smirked as he ran off to the rest of the squad.This is my chance Rice thought. He removed his sweaty top and tossed it round his shoulders. Brandon returned shortly and motioned for Rice to move toward him."Do you need any help getting to my car?""No," Rice paused, pondering. He stood and groaned under his breath, this obviously wasn't going to work. "Well maybe just a hand, don't want to look like a total wimp you know.""That's cool." Brandon laughed. "Gotta play it tough eh?" Brandon walked to Rice and placed a strong hand around his waist. Rice could smell his sweat as he leaned into his shoulder. Putting his arm around Brendan's neck they walked. His cock started to twitch in his confining shorts. Brandon's strong grip with his soft hands sent shivers down Rice's spine, he wanted Brandon to make him suck him right there, for Brandon to fuck him like he was his willing slave.Once they got to the car Rice let go slowly, his hands grazing Brandon's muscled ass, he nit his lip and pouted. He could have sworn he felt Brandon return the favour. On the road back to his house, just three miles down the road, they made small talk."How long you been playing soccer?""Forever, I don't know, probably since I was kicking in the womb?" Brandon looked over at him from the driver's seat."Well, you kinda look like that Cobi Jones guy.""You think so? Yeah I get that from time to time."Rice strained no to look over at Brandon's bare legs as they shifted the gears, his legs muscular and rippling with each gear they went faster. Slowly, he watched as he could start to make out the bulge in his pants. It was huge! He has to be at least 8" he thought...It's going to be a tight fit...he bit his lips, still staring."So where is it?""Huh?""Where should I make my move?" Brandon smiled. His eyes twinkled a bit a he caught Rice unawares. Did he just catch me staring at his cock? Rice wondered as he tried to decipher the disarming charms of the boy next to him."Oh, sorry,""No problem""That's the one just up the way on the end of the cul-de-sac."Brandon pulled into the cul-de-sac and parked, he looked at Rice with his brown eyes. "Do you need any help getting settled?""If you don't mind,""No problem."Rice ambled along with the aid of Brandon into the house where he promptly took the opportunity to sit himself onto the nearest chair."You think you could help me to my room, I don't want to be stuck in these all afternoon." He said motioning to his sweaty shorts and T-shirt."Take my hand,"Rice rose to his feet tentatively with the help of Brandon. He could feel he chest in front of him as he breathed out. Uncertainly he placed his hand on Brandon's shoulder feeling the firm muscle under his soft hands. He paused, now or never, he thought. Searchingly he looked at Brandon, their eyes locking. Instinctively he placed his other hand behind Brandon's head as they moved closer, their mouths parting, with gentle the sound of suction.Brandon placed a firm hand around Rice's head and pulled him in the final distance, their mouths melting together, fighting for the same air. Breathless He pulled back. "What took you so long?" He smirked. Not waiting for the answer he silenced any attempt at a reply with another kiss, his stubble on Rice's chin.Slowly Rice felt his mouth being parted by a much anticipated visitor and he felt Brandon's moist tongue proliferating inside his mouth with such force, he couldn't but help to enjoy the violation.Brandon's hands caressed Rice's ass, squeezing and pulling at the cheeks. Rice moaned between kisses. "I want you to fuck me; I need to feel your hard cock inside of me." He pulled away from Brandon; slowly Rice worked his way to his shorts, stopping to take each of his puffy man nipples into his mouth. Rice's tongue moved in circles around each nipple as they stood to attention. On his knees he looked into Brandon's eyes, he looked like a lost little boy.Pulling the waistband down on the shorts Brandon's semi-erect nine inch cock shot up and greeted his chin. Rice could smell Brandon's scent, the scent of a man and sweat and cock. Slowly he took him into his mouth, having at first to adjust to the girth of his erect penis; it was nearly as thick as his wrist! Lubing the veined shaft with his spit Rice slowly began to bob his head slowly working more and more of the huge cock past his hungering lips, his intense gaze locked on the sexy eyes above him.Rice enjoyed the feeling of being watched as he sucked Brandon's cock, seeing the colour contrasts of their skin, the submission he felt at wanting to be used excited him and his own six and a half inches longed to be free of their shorts. Rice slowly worked his way to three quarters the length in his mouth, as Brandon fucked his face furiously. Rice worked himself out of his shorts and began to palm his own needy cock as it dangled between his legs. He could feel Brandon's cock expanding in his mouth, his balls hard at work below producing the taste Rice needed in his mouth, on his face, in his ass.Brandon stopped; he pulled out of Rice's mouth with a loud plop. The look on Rice's face made him laugh."Don't worry, you'll get to suck some more, don't look so sad." He smirked and began to finger Rice's bum first with one finger, then with two. Rice's moans made his cock spasm, and Rice bucked to meet each of the double-fingered thrusts."Fuck me Brandon; please...I need your big cock." Rice pleaded.Brandon removed his fingers and placed them in front of Rice, his pouty pink lips gobbling the taste of Brandon's foray inside his anus. Positioning the cock head at the anal ring Rice pushed, and slowly his ass stretched to accommodate Brandon's pole.Rice pushed back to meet Brandon's thrusts as they began to build up a rhythm. Deeper he felt Brandon push, and then pull, his anus clamping onto Brandon to keep him inside, each thrust he felt himself open a little more the feeling of being completely full, and the emptiness of Brandon withdrawing from him.Rice was yelping in pain, as it then subsided to pleasure the feeling of Brandon's balls slapping his. He could fee as Brandon used his free hand to get him off while planting kisses on his back. The feeling of his soft full lips against the grain on his back made the hair on his back stand on end. He never wanted that moment to end.The frenetic pace continued, Rice's cheeks now bright red from the continued pounding and slaps of balls and hand alike. Again he could feel Brandon's thickness as it expanded further in anticipation of ejaculation."Ah, I'm going to come.""Wait, I want you in my mouth."Quickly Rice let Brandon exit, the emptiness now complete, the gaping anus as it puckered its opening closed after a few seconds dissatisfied at being without Brandon's cock.Rice tasted himself of Brandon; he liked knowing that was his taste on that gorgeous hunk's nine inches. Furiously he sucked him off while jerking himself with equal fervour. Finally, the moment he had bee waiting for came. Rice could feel the thick ropey gobs of cum coat his throat, but there was too much he couldn't take it all and removing the cock from his mouth he felt relief as the rest splattered on his eager face. He had come too, his ejaculate smeared over his thighs. Spent and happy Brandon kneeled down and kissed him tasting the semen he had just rid himself of. And carefully, with the gentlest of touches Brandon licked Rice's face clean before planting a sloppy kiss of satisfaction on the pair of pouty lips. And they lay there basking in the glow of after sex, Brandon's cock still semi hard pressed deep in the small of Rice's back."How's your ankle?" Brandon asked."I think it feels better, especially since I'm not thinking about it.""Well, it looks like we'll just have to keep your mind occupied." He smirked.Rice returned the smile enjoying the feeling of being wrapped up in Brandon's muscular arms. "That's just what I was thinking." And with that he curled up, comfortable.
Room Service
I had been working at the hotel for a couple of weeks and so far had been enjoying it. It's one of those boutique hotels in the city centre, pretty high-end - we get a few celebs and politicians in.I run the front desk and double as night manager sometimes. Even though hotel work can be a bit anti-social and I don't see as much of my girlfriend as she'd like, we were making it work and I'm a fairly satisfied 29 year old straight guy.This particular shift I was starting to get stressed out - my boss had taken the night off so I was in charge. We had a couple of big names in so I wanted to ensure there were no complaints tonight, especially from the VIPs. Everything was under control but I was nervous for another reason one of the guests was a hero of mine - Andy Mills.Andy is one of the top strikers for the football team I've supported since I was a little kid living up north, he's only a couple of years older than me but ever since he was 21 I'd had his name on the back of my home strip replica top and me, my brothers and my mates pretty much worshipped the guy.Now he also played for the national team and was married to a smoking hot popstar who most guys would trade their right arm to get into bed with. In short, he's one of those blokes who every guy wants to be and every girl wants to fuck. Tall, dark, handsome with rugged good looks, and a ton of money - it was no wonder that I'd read countless stories in the papers about him banging Page Three models and soap actresses over the years.He'd arrived 10 minutes before my night shift had started, and been shown to one of the best rooms we had. So I hadn't seen him yet, I was hoping to get chance before my shift finished in the morning.It was about 10.30pm, pretty quiet when Andy called down to reception to ask for an extra towel and toothbrush (he'd forgotten his). I couldn't resist taking them up personally and getting to meet him, plus, since he was an important guest - it was my job to check everything was to his satisfaction.Andy was still in his training gear when he opened the door, football shirt, training jacket, jogging bottoms and football sock - he'd kicked his trainers off by the door. Looked like he'd eaten some food, watch TV and made a few calls - I introduced myself as the duty manager, told him what a massive fan I was and how I'd be watching the game tomorrow, finally asking if everything was to his satisfaction and needed anything else from the hotel.He was friendly and relaxed - by the end of our chat we were talking like old mates. He was more like one of the blokes in my five-a-side team than a living legend.In fact he was so at ease, that as we talked he took the towel I'd brought up and started to take off his jogging shorts in front of me. I tried not to look and thought this was a bit unusual but figured he was just getting ready to shower before taking an early night and maybe was trying to subtly signal for me to leave.But he kept the conversation going while he did it. So I couldn't get away.Like most pro footballers he was in top shape, I couldn't help noticing his muscular legs as he stripped down his shorts - a little bit hairy, but probably insured for a fortune.Underneath he was wearing a lace-up white jock strap and I noticed his arse was pert and firm and had barely any hair, peachy like the way my girlfriend's looked. I avoided looking as he carried on taking the jock off and wrapped the towel round his waist, still wearing his football shirt and socks. He started:"I do need a favour actually, mate. See - I need to get a good nights sleep before a big game, and usually me and the wife have a special routine that helps me be totally relax and keep focussed during the match. It's kind of my lucky charm, never fails."He gave me a cheeky grin and continued:"The gaffer has a sex-ban on us the night before a match - worried about us being worn out or getting injured - so to make sure I don't have sex on the brain or spring a boner during the match the missus gets down and sucks me off good and proper the night before - best thing to help me relax and be focussed the next day".He said it very casually, I smirked, I was a bit embarrassed but was secretly getting a massive kick out of having "guy talk" with Andy Mills."But she's away on a tour in the US at the moment, so I've been getting a bit pent up...""...you'd like me to get the concierge to organise some company for you?" I delicately filled in the silence.He laughed: "no, no, one of those bitches would be selling the story to the tabloids before I've got my boxers back on".He continued: "I figure I need someone who understands how important the game is tomorrow, and will be discreet about helping me out. So, I wondered if you'd do it".He was totally casual, and with that he dropped the towel onto the bed and showed me his cock.I was stunned, not just at what he said, but also at his cock.Now, I've seen guys cocks before - in the changing rooms, in pornos and stuff - but I've got to admit I've never seen a hard-on in the flesh (other than my own) and Andy's was pretty impressive.Must have been at least eight inches (maybe bigger since it was still soft) uncut thick and straight - he wouldn't have been out of place in a porno, actually.His low-hanging balls were trimmed and we nervously laughed at his suggestion his semi-hard package bounced up and down.After a short, awkward silence, I replied:"Andy, mate, I think you've got the wrong idea. I'm not gay. If you need to blow your load then there's some good pornos on the hotel TV, why don't you just rub one out"He countered: "Every guy knows that there's no comparison between having a wank and getting sucked off. I need to totally zone out, you know - cum without lifting a finger"He had a point - there is nothing better than getting good head, but I couldn't help thinking this wasn't my problem and I didn't know him well enough to have this debate. On the other hand, weirdly I could feel my heart beating faster and - even though I'm not gay - I swear my own cock was getting a bit excited at the sight of his naked flesh."What goes on tour stays on tour, it's just a one time favour to help me out before the match tomorrow. I'm not gay either, but I really need to get off if I wanna be on top form tomorrow and 'any hole's a goal'" he argued.He was stood quite close to me now, I could feel his hot breath on me. His cock was practically touching my trouser leg. He whispered in my ear: "you did say "if there was anything I needed""."I've never done this before. But... okay... no one can ever know, let's just do it quickly and get it over with." I don't know what made me agree to it, but as he sat down on the bed and I knelt in front of him I was starting to regret it already."You're girlfriend must suck you off, so you know what feels good. Just do that to me" he said, leaning back on the bed.I nervously took his soft cock in my hand, it felt just like my own 7 incher, but a bit longer and thicker. I didn't know what I was doing but started wanking him off a bit to get him hard."Suck it hard for me" he instructed.I slowly leant forward, opening my mouth and taking his cock head into my lips. I closed my eyes and started sucking on it.As my mouth moved up and down the shaft it started to harden up and I used my tongue to lick around his bulging cock head. Pushing his foreskin back and forth. This always felt good when my girlfriend did it and Andy seemed to appreciate it as he moaned in approval.I started to get into what I was doing, forgetting my initial awkwardness and focussing on doing a good job and getting it over with.Surprisingly, Andy's cock didn't taste too bad, a bit salty maybe from the pre-cum, but clearly something about what I was doing was starting to turning me on as I could feel my own cock begin to bulge in my suit trousers. I knew I wasn't gay, this was just a physical reaction to the tension in the room and the sexy situation.After 2 or 3 minutes more sucking in this position, I realised Andy had sat up on the bed, and was starting to buck his hips in rhythm with my bobbing head. Pushing his cock deeper into my mouth, and throat. I was surprised how much of his 8 inches I could take without gagging - my girlfriend could barely take half my cock, but I was getting a good 6 inches or more in my mouth.Andy was getting more turned on. Putting his hands on the back of my head, he started guiding me deeper onto his cock, I felt his thick shaft in my throat, hurting slightly and nearly gagging. He held my hair and started to be a bit more forceful."Hmmm, that's good. Take my big cock in your throat. Suck it deeper" his eyes were closed and he was totally in the moment.Even though my eyes were starting to water, I wasn't put off by Andy's force, in fact I took it as a challenge to take his whole cock. I started trying to control my breathing and take him in deeper so that his low-hanging balls bouncing on my chin as he bucked his groin into my face getting a rhythm going.Suddenly, I gagged and spat out his cock, tears running down my cheeks.Andy seemed frustrated - he held his cock with one hand and slapped my face with it, rubbing his sweaty, spit-covered shaft over my cheeks. It felt hot and dirty. I could smell salty pre-cum and realised I was actually eager to taste his cock again and hungry feel it stretching my throat and take all 8 inches. Now, Andy seemed to be teasing me, slapping my face with it, making me lick at him like a hungry dog.Suddenly he stood up. Told me to lie on the bed, with my head off the edge. I knew what he wanted - I'd tried this position with my girlfriend to get her to take me deeper in her throat - she didn't like it much. Now I'd been challenged I was eager to prove I could take Andy's full 8 inches and eagerly got into position.I wanted to undo my trousers and wank myself off at the same time, but Andy was waiting and this wasn't about me, it was about getting it over with and getting out of there.Once I was in position Andy stood over my face, I realised if I tilted by head right back I could see us both reflected upside-down in the big mirror on the other side of the room. Andy's naked legs and arse, in his footie shirt and socks, with my reddened face in between below his perfect bum cheeks.While I was looking at this I realised Andy wasn't pushing his cock into my gob, but instead I felt the soft skin of his balls sitting on my lips."Lick them for me" he ordered, so I opened my mouth and started lapping at his trimmed bollocks with gusto, getting them wet before eventually lifting my mouth up to take them in and suck on them.Andy was stroking his shaft and gently tea-bagging his balls into my mouth, moaning and smirking at the tingling feeling I was producing in his scrotum, I sucked on his little eggs, licking and nibbling on his sack the way I wished my girlfriends had done for me - most girls don't seem to like sucking balls but I've fantasied about having mine sucked good - I guess it was the same for Andy and he was enjoying this treat.I tasted and could smell the sweat of his groin, and from this position could feel the sweat of his tight, lightly haired butt cheeks. I looked back and the mirror and could see myself with a mouthful of his bollocks as his peachy arse bounced up and down above me."Your pretty good with that tongue, son" he said, "maybe you wanna have a go at this..." and with that he pulled himself forward down my face, until my mouth and chin were pressed firmly beneath his arsehole.At first I didn't know what he meant, then remembered I'd seen rimming before in porn films, but had never done it or had it done to me by a girl, plus I wasn't sure that I wanted to lick Andy's arse (or anyone elses for that matter).Within seconds it was clear he wasn't giving me much choice - I looked back into the mirror, seeing his hands separating his cheeks and lowering his tight hole down on my mouth. I could barely breathe and in the heat of the moment decide 'fuck it -what goes on tour stays on tour' and took a lick at his rim.It didn't taste disgusting like I expected, Andy was totally clean so as I licked up and down between his buttocks and tongued his tight little manhole, the over-riding taste was just sweaty, salty, sex - a bit like his cock.Andy clearly enjoyed being rimmed. He was moaning, telling me how good it was. I could feel my own hardness in my boxer-briefs, like I was about to explode. I wanted to touch it, but realised Andy was holding down my arms as he grinded his ass onto my face.A few minutes later he was obviously keen to get his cock sucked again, he lifted his arse off my mouth and positioned his cock head at my lips - all the time still holding my arms."This time I want you to take the whole thing like a horny little slut" he said "open up".I opened my mouth and started to French kiss his cock as it slipped back into my warm mouth.Soon Andy was holding me down and began skull-fucking me like a man possessed. I could feel the tightness of my throat as he pushed deeper and deeper. All I could do as my eyes watered was look back and the mirror and see his tight arse pumping away at my mouth. Bucking away at me like a porn star.Eventually his shaft was completely in my throat and I could feel his bollocks on my lips and chin."You're a naughty little cock-sucker, take my big dick you hot little bitch". He took a few slow strokes, savouring the feeling.Suddenly he pulled back out and stood at the end of the bed."Get on your knees and suck me boy" he ordered.I knelt in front of him and took his cock into my mouth, sucking furiously. He continued pushing into my face, running his hands through my hair."Oh yes, so fucking good", he moaned as I put everything I'd learnt into practice sucking his length deep in my throat.I realised why he was so pleased when suddenly and without warning I could feel a hot stickiness filling the back of my mouth as I swallowed. He bucked his hips as he came, but I was too surprised to swallow it all and his cock slipped out of my lips, spurting it's second shot of cum up the side of my face and cheek. As it did some of the first mouthful dribbled onto my chin.Every guy likes a girl to swallow, I had expected the taste of Andy's cum to be disgusting but so far what I tasted had been fine. I was so horny caught up in the moment I hungrily took him back in my mouth and sucked and licked his cock head clean. He pulled his softening shaft out of my mouth and rubbed it around in the cum on my face, before feeding his cock back into my mouth to eat the cum and lick him clean."Thanks" he said, finally fully relaxed and sitting back onto the bed. "I needed to get that out of my system. I need to get some sleep now"I suddenly remembered where I was, my raging hard-on told me what I'd done hadn't been a dream I was on my knees giving Andy Mills the best room service I'd ever delivered. I realised I needed to get back to work, I'd been gone nearly an hour. I stood up and caught sight of myself in the mirror. Cum stained and a bit crumpled I stepped towards the bathroom.Andy threw me the towel and toothbrush I'd brought up with me earlier,"I think you'll be needing these" - he laughed, cocky as hell.He slipped off his footie socks, lay back on the bed still in his footie shirt, smiling to himself.I quickly cleaned up and gained my composure, wished him luck in the match tomorrow and headed back down to reception. As I thought about how that arrogant fucker had used me, the whole scene flashed back before my eyes.I felt like a dirty bitch-boy.But not that dirty, as I adjusted my hard-on and tried to concentrate on the computer system - searching to see when Andy had his next hotel room booked!
Romeo, Where Art Thou Going in Life?
Romeo slept at the salon the night that he had been evicted form his home. He knew that he had no chance to go back home as his father would never let him return. The next morning Romeo freshened up at the salon and then headed to the barber school. He would return later that day to work at the salon and by then he hoped that he would have found a place to stay.At the barber school Romeo confided in Marcel, the owner of the school. Marcel told Romeo that he could stay at Marcel's house that night and he would try and work something out for Romeo. Marcel smiled to himself as he thought about the possibilities. Romeo was thrilled that Marcel would help him and allow him to stay at his house that night.Marcel had always been attracted to Romeo and he knew that Romeo was gay. Marcel liked the feminine qualities that Romeo possessed and he thought that Romeo looked as much like a girl as a young man. Marcel had always been attracted to effeminate gays and he liked to fuck the young female impersonators. Many of them had come to his salon to get their hair done and ended up with Marcel's cock in their ass. Marcel did not consider himself gay since he still dated and had sex with women but there was something about a fucking a ladyboy, as he called them, that he liked.Marcel also liked filling their pretty mouths with his cum and he was already looking forward to the evening with Romeo. Marcel studied Romeo and he was convinced that Romeo would make a beautiful ladyboy. Marcel decided that he would make an offer to Romeo that Romeo could stay with Marcel and be his personal ladyboy. Marcel would enjoy helping Romeo with his transformation into a ladyboy.That evening Romeo finished his duties at the salon, locked up and made his way to Marcel's house. Romeo was impressed with Marcel's home and hoped that there was some way that he could stay there for awhile. Marcel showed Romeo to the guest bedroom and then he prepared dinner for both of them. After dinner they sat in the living room sipping a glass of wine when Marcel made his offer to Romeo."Romeo, I have been thinking that there is a way for you to stay with me if you would like," Marcel began and then added, "But there are some conditions.""I would love to stay here," Romeo said enthusiastically but at the same time anxious to learn about the conditions."Romeo, I am not gay but I like to fuck effeminate young men like you. I know that you are gay and I think that you are very pretty and would make a beautiful lady boy.""A ladyboy," Romeo questioned."Yes, I want you to become my personal ladyboy. You are familiar with the female impersonators at the theatre. Well many of them become ladyboys. They try to look like women and they take female hormones to help with their transformation," Marcel explained."You want me to become a woman," Romeo asked uncertainly."Yes, I will provide you with the hormones, the clothing and I will style your hair to look like a woman. You will become my lover and you will suck my cock and I will fuck you. However I am not interested in cock so you may seek your relief from your gay associates. I may jerk you off sometimes when I am fucking you but if you want your cock sucked or you wish to fuck someone, you will need to find someone else.""Romeo, are those conditions acceptable to you?" Marcel asked.Romeo thought about the conditions quickly. He actually liked the idea of becoming more feminine looking and that it may lead to a future as a female impersonator. He knew that he could still party with the other stylists at the salon so he decided to accept Marcel's offer."Yes Marcel, I accept your offer," Romeo replied."Good then let's seal the deal with a good blow job. Romeo come over here and suck my cock for me," Marcel directed.Romeo did not hesitate in fact he was anxious to see Marcel's cock. He knelt down in front of Marcel, unbuckled his belt, unzipped his fly and tugged the pants and underwear down Marcel's legs. Marcel's impressive cock leaped out and Romeo stared at large organ in its erect state. Marcel's cock was long, at least nine inches and it was thick over five inches around. Romeo thought about the big cocks he had handled at the theatre and compared them to Marcel's cock which easily rivaled them. Romeo took the big dick in his hand and licked up and down the shaft. Marcel groaned with desire as Romeo's pretty mouth engulfed Marcel's cock head.Romeo moved the skin back and forth over the cock head and playfully tongued Marcel's dick. Romeo liked playing with the uncut cock and he loved skinning it back. The foreplay had Marcel on the edge so he grabbed Romeo's head and pulled it toward his cock. Romeo took as much as he could in his mouth and he continually tested his gag line as his head bobbed up and down. Romeo swirled his tongue around the smooth cock in his mouth and he was rewarded with Marcel's milky discharge.Marcel held Romeo's head gently in his hand as his body stiffened and he ejaculated into Romeo's mouth. Six ropes of semen bounced off the back of Romeo's throat as Marcel's cock spewed its load. Romeo swallowed each rope and prepared to receive the next one as Marcel spurted in Romeo's mouth. Romeo then sucked on the large swollen cock until it had been drained of every drop and began to soften in his mouth. Marcel stroked Romeo's curly hair as Romeo sucked the cock dry and played with it in his mouth. Then Marcel pushed Romeo away and looked down and smiled at him."That was a marvelous blow job Romeo and I will look forward to many more. Now let us get undressed and go to my bed," Marcel said softly.Minutes later Romeo and Marcel were naked in Marcel's bed. Romeo was on all fours with his head down on the mattress as Marcel applied oil to Romeo's anus. Marcel loved fingering the cute asses of the lady boys and he took particular pleasure in preparing Romeo's ass for a good fucking. Romeo looked good on all fours with his cute round firm ass in the air. Marcel took his time with Romeo's preparation as he loved sticking his fingers in Romeo's ass. Romeo just cooed as his ass was prepared for Marcel's big cock and he was glad that Marcel was greasing his asshole thoroughly.Then Marcel applied plenty of lube to his own cock and moved it to the entrance to Romeo's ass. Marcel pushed forward with one steady motion and watched as his cock disappeared into Romeo's passage. Marcel was pleased that his cock went in with very little effort and filled Romeo ass. Romeo could feel Marcel's pubic hairs as the large shaft filled Romeo's rectum. Marcel held still for a moment allowing Romeo to adjust to the anal intrusion and then he slowly began to fuck Romeo.Romeo grunted a little as he was surprised with the size of Marcel's cock. It was clearly one of the largest cocks that had been in his ass. Marcel fucked Romeo slowly in an attempt to prolong his ejaculation and savor every second that his cock was buried in the shapely ass. Romeo groaned as Marcel fucked him slowly and then he ejaculated without even touching his cock. Romeo clenched his anal muscles when he came which increased the tightness around Marcel's cock. Marcel then lost it and shot a barrage of cum deep into Romeo's rectum. Marcel left his cock in Romeo's ass and he stayed hard, Marcel continued fucking Romeo until he came again. This time Marcel reached around and stroked his Romeo's cock. Romeo came twice again in Marcel's hand before Marcel filled Romeo's ass a second time. Marcel liked giving Romeo a reach around and he referred to Romeo's cock as his clit.Afterward Romeo went to his own bed and Marcel stayed in his bed. Marcel thought about the process he would use to transform Romeo into a lady boy. He would take his time with Romeo as he didn't want to scare him with the transformation. In due time, Romeo would become Romee at least in Marcel's house. Marcel would buy dress up clothes for Romee and he would be dressed like a girl when in the house. Eventually Marcel would take Romee out as if they were on a date. Marcel would style Romee's hair and feed him female hormones. Marcel knew that eventually Romee would develop breasts. In the other bedroom Romeo lay in bed thinking that he was probably going to enjoy his stay with Marcel. Romeo and Marcel drifted off and fell into a deep sleep.Marcel was back in the morning and he fucked Romeo again in bed. Then he took Romeo into the shower and soaped his body. Marcel then fucked Romeo's ass in the shower as he gave him another reach around. Marcel liked watching Romeo shoot and seeing his cum bounce off the shower wall. Then Marcel filled Romeo's ass with his seed one more time. Later when they were cleaned up and dressed, they sat around the breakfast table and Marcel told Romeo about his experiences with the lady boys in Paris. He told Romeo that he would become Romee and wear girl's clothes while they were in Marcel's house. Romeo was intrigued by the idea and he was somewhat curious about wearing women's underwear. Marcel was convinced that Romeo would become a perfect lady boy. After breakfast they went to the barber school. Romeo only had another week of training before he would become a stylist. Then he would be working as a stylist at the salon instead of an attendant. Romeo wondered who Henri would recruit for the next attendant and what he would look like.ROMEO BONDS WITH OTHER STYLISTSIt was Romeo's first week working as a stylist at the salon. Henri had not found another attendant yet so the stylists had to clean up before they went home. Romeo had adjusted to his new life style and he actually enjoyed dressing like a woman and playing games with Marcel. Romeo recently wore a cocktail dress complete with a bra, panties, stockings and garters. Marcel had gotten so excited that he fucked Romeo in the ass twice. Romeo or Romee as Marcel like to call him, knelt over the arm of the sofa with his skirt up around his waist and his panties pulled down to his knees. Marcel fucked Romee's ass and remained hard after cumming the first time so he fucked Romee again cumming a second time without ever removing his cock.Romeo, although he enjoyed being Marcel's ladyboy, missed having his cock sucked and fucking a curvy ass. One night he stayed to clean up the salon with Claude and Michelle. At one point Claude dropped his pants, sat in one of the barber chairs and began to stroke his cock."Romeo you haven't had this in awhile. Would you like to suck it?" Claude asked the boy.Romeo acted shyly but replied, "Yes I would very much so.""Well then why don't you get started," Claude said with a smile.Romeo moved over to Claude's barber chair and got between his legs. Romeo took Claude's semi hard cock in his hand and guided it toward his mouth. He began to kiss and suck on Claude's dick causing it to grow to a full erect state. Romeo liked it when Claude's cock stiffened in his hand. He took as much as Claude's cock in his mouth as he could without gagging. Romeo held Claude's cock with one hand and fondled his balls with his other hand as he bobbed up and down on the impressive member.Michelle unfastened Romeo's pants and let them fall to his ankles. Then he pulled Romeo's silk panties down his legs. Michelle started caressing Romeo's butt cheeks and then tickled his bung hole. Romeo shivered with desire as he felt Michelle's finger graze his asshole. Michelle took some cream and worked it into the crack of Romeo's ass and then he started to finger fuck him. Michelle slowly worked his finger in and out of the teenager's rectum coating it with cream. Michelle then added a second finger and Romeo cooed on Claude's cock as he felt the pleasant intrusion in his ass. Michelle knew that Romeo enjoyed the anal penetration as he readied Romeo for his cock.Michelle knelt behind Romeo on the floor and eased his hard cock into the boy's ass. He loved watching the aperture open up to accommodate his well lubed dick. Romeo sighed as Michelle's cock went all the way into his ass and he felt Michelle's pubic hair against his ass cheeks. Romeo enthusiastically sucked Claude's cock as Michelle slowly fucked his ass and he felt he was in heaven with these two young lovers. Romeo felt Claude's balls tighten and he knew that it wouldn't be long before he was rewarded with Claude's cum in his mouth.Romeo was a very good cock sucker and Claude had no trouble cumming in his mouth. Claude's body tensed for a second and then he fired his load into the boy's mouth. Romeo swallowed as quickly as he could as cum shot into his mouth bouncing off the back of his throat and filling his mouth. He felt like he was drinking from a fire hose as Claude's ejaculation seemed endless. Claude finally stopped cumming and he relaxed as Romeo continued to suck his cock draining it of all the juice. Claude stroked the boy's head in a gesture that signaled he was pleased with Romeo's performance.Michelle had been slowly fucking Romeo as Romeo concentrated on Claude's cock. Watching Romeo suck his lover's cock dry drove Michelle to his brink and he came in the boy's ass. Romeo felt the warm sperm enter his ass and coat his rectal passage. He loved it when someone came in his ass and he wiggled his bottom in response to Michelle's fucking. Romeo squeezed his cheeks together and used his anal muscles to milk Michelle's cock dry of cum. Michelle kept his cock in the teenager's ass until it softened and slipped out with an audible pop.Romeo rolled over on his back and reached for his throbbing hard cock. Michelle leaned over and took Romeo's hand off his cock and covered it with his mouth. Romeo was thrilled when Michelle began to suck his cock. He had had plenty of hand jobs lately from Marcel but that was all. He wondered if Michelle would let him cum in his mouth again. Romeo didn't have to wonder too long because he felt his load building in his balls."I'm going to cum," Romeo called out alerting Michelle.Michelle just kept on sucking the boys cock and when he grasped Romeo's testicles that sent Romeo over the edge. Romeo's body went rigid as he blasted an enormous load of teenage cum into Michelle's mouth. Romeo was pleased when Michelle swallowed every drop of his seed. Michelle sucked Romeo until he was dry and went soft in his mouth."That was incredible. It was my first blow job in over a week," Romeo gasped."Well good, I'm glad you enjoyed it," Michelle replied and then said, "Rest up and then I will let you fuck me. You would like that wouldn't you?""Oh yes I haven't done that either in over a week!" exclaimed Romeo.Romeo couldn't believe his good fortune working with these two men and now Michelle was going to let Romeo fuck him. They rested for a short while and then Michelle told Romeo to lube up his ass while Michelle sucked Claude's cock. Michelle took up the same position that Romeo had earlier and started sucking his lover's cock. Romeo took the lube and massaged it into Michelle's ass and finger fucked his asshole. Romeo got hard immediately as he finger fucked Michelle's ass. He quickly replaced his fingers with his cock and it slid into Michelle's ass with ease.Romeo came before Claude did in the excitement of the moment. He fired a huge load of cum into Michelle's hot ass and Michelle used his anal muscles on Romeo just as Romeo had done to Michelle. Romeo held on to Michelle's ass cheeks as he watched the gorgeous ass work on his cock and then he massaged the round globes as he emptied his balls into Michelle's rectum. Claude then fired his load into Michelle's mouth and as usual Michelle sucked him dry. The three young men disengaged and pulled up their underwear and pants."I love your silk panties Romeo," Michelle said and then asked "How do they feel?""They feel wonderful. I know why women like to wear them now," Romeo replied.The three of them finished cleaning up and then they locked up and left the salon. Romeo had home where he knew Marcel would be waiting for him and he wondered what games Marcel may have planned that night.When Romeo arrived home he was surprised when Marcel said they were going out to dinner. Romeo would become Romee in public for the first time. Marcel had laid out the clothes for Romeo to wear and he helped Romeo get dressed. Romeo wore a tight black cocktail dress with a short skirt. Marcel helped Romeo with his makeup and when Romeo looked in the mirror he could not believe how much he resembled a girl.They went to a fine restaurant and Marcel behaved like a perfect gentleman on a date. They had a wonderful meal and Romeo really got into the role of Romee. Even when he had to use the bathroom, Romee was excited by entering the ladies room. After dinner on the way back to the house, Marcel pulled his cock from his pants and Romeo sucked him off. Once they were back at the house Marcel fucked Romeo twice before the retired for the night.ROMEO PLAYS GAMES WITH CALUDE AND MICHELLERomeo told Claude and Michelle about his life with Marcel and they loved to hear about it. They wanted Romeo to dress up for them some night and play similar games. Romeo selected the private school girl's uniform to bring with him to the salon one day and he told Claude about it. Claude and Michelle had Romeo come to their home and change into the school uniform. Then Romeo had to go outside the apartment and knock on the door. Claude and Michelle took off their clothes and waited for Romeo to knock.When there was a knock on the door, Claude asked who was there. When he received no answer he went over to the door and opened in slightly concealing his own nakedness. He couldn't believe how much Romeo looked like a girl in the school uniform."Can I help you?" he asked playing along"Romeo sent me over here because I need to show you something," the girl said.Claude playfully looked at Michelle and shrugged his shoulders. "Let her in""Come in," Claude told Romeo.Romeo entered the room and Claude asked what was it that he had for them? Romeo smiled at their nakedness and his cock was already hard in his panties from anticipation."It is my clit. It is so hard," Romeo said as he lifted his skirt and pulled his panties down below his crotch, his dick catching in the waistband and bouncing in front of him.Claude walked over to him and took hold of Romeo's cock and as he did he felt his own cock hardening. Michelle was amused at the boy's creativity."What is your name little girl?" Claude asked Romeo."Romee," Romeo answered as if he was very shy."I see, well it's nice to meet you Romee. You're right your clit is very hard what caused that to happen?" Claude played along with the teenager."Well Romeo told me that when I got here that there would be two big hard cocks waiting for me and I have been thinking about them all the way here," Romeo replied."Are these two big enough and hard enough for you Romee?" Michelle asked as he and Claude stroked their erect dicks."Oh yes they are big and hard!" Romeo exclaimed."Tell me Romee what did Romeo tell you that we might do with our big hard cocks?" Michelle continued the game."He said that one of you may put one in my mouth and the other one may go in my bottom," Romeo replied coyly."Would you like that Romee? Would you like to suck one cock while the other cock fucks your ass?" Michelle prodded."Yes," Romeo said sexily."Well then I think it is about time we got started. Claude let Romee suck your cock while I prepare this ass for a glorious butt fucking," Michelle said as he took some lubricant off the table.Claude moved in front of Romee and Romee dropped to his knees. Romee took Claude's cock in his mouth and proceeded to give him a masterful blowjob. Michelle moved behind Romee and lifted his school uniform skirt up and draped it over his back. Michelle applied an ample amount of lubricant to Romee's asshole and fingered him deeply. He pushed one then two fingers in the teenager's ass and moved them around in preparation for his cock. Michelle then applied lube and saliva to his own cock and guided it into Romee's ass. Romee gasped as he was penetrated and relished in the slow entry to his ass. Michelle eased his cock in one steady push all the way into Romee's ass and then eased it back out. He did this a few more times and then he picked up the pace. The scene was quite erotic with the two naked men fucking the school uniform clad teenage boy. Romee was still dressed with his skirt thrown up on his back and his panties pushed down just below his buttocks. Claude was close to cumming as he was really turned on by the whole scene."Do a good job of sucking Claude's cock and swallowing all his cum. If you do I will let Claude suck on your hard clit," Michelle announced.Romee groaned on Claude's cock when he heard Michelle's offer. Claude was close and he could feel his ejaculation building in his balls. Romee played with Claude's balls and scraped his fingernails along his perineum sending Claude over the edge. Claude held to Romee's head and plunged his cock all the way in the boy's mouth. Claude fired streams of cum that hit the back of Romee's throat and filled his mouth. Romee swallowed all of it not missing a drop and kept sucking until Claude was completely drained of cum.Michelle unzipped Romee's skirt and pulled it up over his body and shoulders. He threw it aside leaving Romee buttocks completely naked. Claude dropped to his knees as Michelle pulled Romee to a standing position. Claude took Romee's cock in his mouth and played with his balls. Romee was quite something to look at standing there in his saddle shoes, knee high socks, school blouse and with his panties stretched around his thighs as he was fucked from behind and sucked in front. Romee felt Michelle's cock throb in his ass and he knew Michelle was on the verge of a big cum. Michelle held onto his shoulders and drilled Romee's ass with his pulsating cock. Then he stiffened and blasted a copious load of cum into the teenager's asshole. Romee felt the spunk fill his rectal passage and then he exploded in Claude's mouth. Claude gulped down every bit of dick juice that Romee shot in his mouth.Romeo loved playing the role of Romee. He loved his new found lovers, ones that fucked him and ones that he could suck. But best of all was Claude and Michelle who would allow Romeo to fuck them and they would also suck Romeo's cock. He knew that he was happy with his new relationship and that he wanted to spend a lot more time with Claude and Michelle.Michelle told Romeo to get undressed and to hang his school uniform in the closet. Romeo removed all of his clothes as directed and then joined Claude and Michelle in their large bed. The three of them played with each other until they were hard again and ready for more sex. The rest of the evening was spent in the bed. Romeo lay on his side as Claude fucked him from behind. Michelle fucked Claude as Claude was fucking Romeo. The next time Romeo fucked Claude from behind as Michelle fucked Romeo.When they were all exhausted and couldn't cum anymore, Romeo showered, dressed, packed his uniform and left the apartment. Claude and Michelle remained naked in bed and eventually dozed off. When Romeo arrived home Marcel was waiting for him. Marcel had Romeo suck his cock first and then fucked him later. Marcel had a surprise for Romeo as he told him that they would be going out as a couple with another couple on Saturday evening.ROMEO'S DOUBLE DATEJacques and his wife Marie arrived at Marcel's house for the weekend. Marcel had Romeo dress up as a girl and told Romeo that he would be Romee for the entire time that and Marie were staying with them. Romeo was really nervous. It was one thing to dress up but to be in the company of another couple and pass himself off as Marcel's girlfriend would be a challenge.Romeo was already dressed as Romee when Jacques and his wife arrived on Saturday. Was a strapping man of 6'1" and 200 pounds? His brown hair was cut short and he was very muscular. Marie was just the opposite as she was a very pretty slender French woman. Her features were delicate, sharp and articulate. Romeo guessed her to be about 5'5' with a shapely figure. Her breasts were medium sized and she had shapely legs but her best feature was her ass as it seemed to reach out from her body and beg to be touched. Romeo found himself wondering if Jacques fucked his wife in the ass. He also wondered how big Jacques' cock was.That evening they went out to dinner and Romeo was really nervous that he would be detected. However Marie was a charming woman and made Romeo feel at ease. Romeo actually felt more like Romee as the evening went on. Romeo caught himself staring at Marie at times taking in her beauty. Romeo had never looked at another girl or woman in that way before. The dinner was delicious and the conversation flowed smoothly. Romeo as Romee was completely at ease.Marie excused herself to go to the ladies room and as women often did she invited Romee to join her. At first Romeo panicked but then he knew that he should join her. So as Romee he smiled and accompanied Marie to the ladies room. The thought of being with her in the ladies room got him excited and he felt his cock harden in his silk panties. Romeo as Romee followed Marie into the ladies room and all the while his eyes were glued to Marie's ass. Romeo wondered what it might be like to fuck a woman in the ass.They entered the ladies room and Marie looked around to assure that they were alone and then she spoke to Romeo, "Romee, I understand that you like to suck cock and get fucked in the ass.""What?" Romeo stammered, "Did Marcel tell you that?""Yes he told Jacques but relax I like to do that too," Marie replied.The image of Jacques fucking his petite wife in her fantastic ass crept into Romeo's mind and his cock hardened in his panties again. Marie took his hand and pulled him into one of the stalls."I want to see your pussy," Marie whispered as she closed the door to the stall and locked it.Romeo panicked again but surprisingly his cock remained hard. When Marie's hand went under his skirt and stroked his panties Romeo thought he would die from embarrassment."What do we have here?" Marie said as she lifted Romeo's skirt and stroked his cock through his panties."Look how hard and big your clit is," Marie whispered excitedly as she then pulled Romeo's panties down far enough to free his erect cock.Marie sat on the toilet seat and pulled Romeo to her. Her mouth enveloped Romeo's cock and he let out an audible gasp."Oh my God!" he gasped in a softened voice as Marie deep throated his cock.Romeo couldn't believe it that he was getting his first blow job from a woman and he loved it. Marie was good as good as anyone who had sucked his cock and she soon had him on the verge of a massive orgasm. A few more sucks and Romeo blew his load right into Marie's mouth. Marie sucked every drop of cum from Romeo's cock and continued to suck until Romeo pushed her head away. Romeo's body tingled from his head to his toes as Marie drained his cock. Marie looked up and smiled at Romeo then she stood up and had Romeo sit on the toilet seat."My turn now," Marie said with a look of intense desire in her eyes.Romeo again panicked he had never even seen a pussy much less touched one or eaten one. He started to protest weakly as Marie lifted her mini skirt. Romeo spotted the bulge in Marie's panties and then her cock popped out as she pulled her panties down."You see Romee I'm a ladyboy just like you," Marie said as she stroked her cock.Marie pulled Romeo gently by his head toward her cock and Romeo took her cock in his mouth. Marie's cock was probably no longer than 5" and fit nicely in Romeo's mouth. Romeo sucked on Marie's cock and took it all the way into his mouth. He then got bold and placed a finger near Marie's asshole."Wet it and put it in my ass," Marie whispered excitedly.Romeo wet his finger with saliva and slipped it into Marie's asshole. That seemed to do it for Marie as she came soon after that. Marie's body stiffened and she shot a good sized load into Romeo's mouth. Romeo sucked down every drop and he had Marie trembling before Marie pushed his head away.They both rearranged their clothes and exited the bathroom stall. If anyone had come into the ladies room they hadn't noticed. They looked in the mirror and they indeed looked like a couple of pretty women as they tidied themselves up."Let's get back to the boys as they will be wondering what happened to us," Marie said.Again Romee walked behind Marie and watched his ass. Romeo more then ever now wanted to fuck Marie in the ass and he felt his cock harden again in his panties. When they reached the table Marie gave Jacques a knowing look and Jacques smiled knowing what happened in the ladies room. Marie and Romee sat down as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. The four of them finished off the meal with dessert and coffee and then it was time to leave."Romee and I will ride in the back together if that is okay," Marie announced."Fine with me," Jacques replied."Have fun!" teased Marcel.Romee got in the back seat with Marie and Marie immediately took off his panties and told Romee to do the same. Romee stripped off his panties as he was told and his cock was erect by the time the panties cleared his ankles. Marie turned toward Romee and kissed him deeply. Marie reached for Romee's cock and stroked it as they kissed. In return Romee took hold of Marie's cock and stroked it. The two of them kissed like teenagers and stroked each other's cock all the way back to Marcel's house. They were both extremely turned on and ready to blow their loads by the time they arrived at the house.Romee was anxious to get his cock into Marie's ass but he would have to wait because Marcel and Jacques called the shots. As soon as they were in the house, Marcel took Marie's ass in the living room. Marie was on the floor on all fours as Marcel greased up the ladyboy's asshole. Marcel dropped his pants and underwear to his ankles and eased his cock into Marie's asshole. Marcel slid in easily as Marie was well stretched from all the fucking she had received from Jacques over the years.Romee was placed on the sofa and had his head face down on the cushions as Jacques played with his ass. Jacques took his time with Romee fingering his asshole and putting plenty of lubricant in it. Jacques then dropped his pants and underwear and Romee saw the biggest cock he had ever seen in his life. Jacques had to be at least 10" long and 6" around. Romee tensed as he feared for his ass. How could he ever take a cock like that in his ass?Despite Jacques physical presence and muscular body he was very gentle with Romee. He slowly pressed his cock into Romee's ass and let the head of his cock push through the sphincter. Jacques then held his cock still and let Romee adjust to the thickness. Romee's asshole began to relax and Jacques fed Romee more of his cock. For what seemed to take an hour, Jacques fed his big cock to Romee a little at a time often adding more lube along the way. Then Romee felt Jacques' pubic hair touch his ass cheeks and Romee knew that Jacques was all the way in.Jacques began a slow steady fucking motion and Romee felt his ass relax and accommodate the large cock. Jacques then picked up the pace and soon his muscular body was drilling Romee's ass with powerful thrusts. Romee felt Jacques' muscular thighs slap against his ass cheeks as Jacques' cock filled Romee's asshole. Romee had never been fucked like that before and he grunted each time Jacques' cock thrust forward and hit bottom. Romee's own cock was rock hard and he was tempted to jerk himself off but he wanted to save himself for Marie.Romee looked over for the first time at Marcel and Marie on the floor. Marcel was drilling Marie's ass and he was close to cumming. Marcel stiffened and Romee knew that Marie's ass was being filled with Marcel's cum. Marie rotated his ass and squeezed his ass cheeks together driving Marcel over the edge. Marcel then collapsed over Marie's body as he ejaculated the remaining drops of cum into Marie's ass.Romee had gotten caught up in the moment watching Marie but he was brought back to reality when Jacques really picked up the pace and began pounding Romee's ass with quick powerful thrusts. Jacques then stiffened as he plunged his cock balls deep into Romee's ass and unleashed a torrent of cum into Romee's rectum. Romee felt stream after stream of warm cum fill his ass as Jacques seemed to have an endless supply of it. Finally Jacques gave a couple of hard quick thrusts and emptied his balls in Romee's ass.After that the four of them went up to the bedroom and stripped off all their clothes. Romee was still anxious to get into Marie's ass but once again he would have to wait. Marie and Romee were placed in a 69 position on their sides so that they could suck each other's cock. Jacques got behind Romee to fuck his ass again and Marcel got behind Marie to do the same. It took Marcel and Jacques longer to cum this time and Romee and Marie both came in each other's mouth as they were being fucked. Eventually Marcel and Jacques came again and filled Marie's and Romee's asses with cum for a second time.Marcel and Jacques then left the two ladyboys alone in bed and went downstairs to have a couple of drinks and get caught up on times past. Romee looked at Marie's beautiful body and his cock responded to it. Marie smiled at Romee and stroked his cock."Would you like to fuck me now?" Marie asked."Oh my God yes!" exclaimed Romee.Marie moved to all fours and ran his hands over his shapely ass offering it to Romee. Romee pushed his erect cock into Marie's asshole and not surprisingly it slid in easily. Romee was happy that he had cum twice already as he would last longer in Marie's beautiful ass. Romee slowly fucked Marie as he relished every second that Marie was impaled on his cock. Romee removed his cock from Marie's asshole and let it slide up and down between Marie's ass cheeks then he put it back in. Romee did this several times as there was something very erotic about watching his cock slide between Marie's beautiful buttocks."Do you want to cum in me or on me?" Marie asked."I don't know, maybe on you," Romee answered turned on by the suggestion."Cum on me and then put it back in so I can milk your cock dry," Marie told him.Romee fucked Marie with a few more strokes and then he felt his orgasm building in his testicles. Romee fucked Marie as long as he could before he finally pulled out of Marie's ass and placed his cock between Marie's buttocks. Romee watched as his cock throbbed, pulsed and spewed cum onto Marie's body. Then Romee eased his cock back into Marie's ass and Marie used his talented anal muscles to drain Romee's cock of every drop of cum. Totally drained Romee pulled out and flopped on the bed along side of Marie.Marie turned Romee on his side and then slid up close to him. Romee felt Marie's erection touch his buttocks and then Marie eased his cock into Romee's ass. Romee felt Marie's firm tits press into his back as Marie fucked him. Marie reached around Romee and fondled his developing tits and cock. Romee was so turned on that his cock hardened again in Marie's hand. Marie fucked Romee slowly and continued to play with Romee's tits and cock. Romee felt Marie's body tighten up briefly just before Marie came in Romee's ass. The sensation of warm cum filling his ass again caused Romee to cum again. Marie jerked Romee's cock as the cum oozed out and coated Marie's hand. Marie jerked Romee's cock until it softened in his hand and then Marie licked Romee's cum off his fingers. The two of them then slept in each other's arms like two lovers for the rest of the night.All day Sunday the sex was relentless as Jacques could not get enough of Romee's ass and Marcel never tired of fucking Marie. Finally when Jacques and Marcel took a much needed break, Marie and Romee hurried to Romee's bed where they fucked each other non-stop. Romee liked the feel of Marie's tits pressing into his back when Marie fucked him and Romee looked forward to the day that his tits were as developed.A rested Jacques and Marcel joined Marie and Romee in bed again. Marie and Romee moved into a 69 position and sucked each other off as they were fucked. Jacques fucked Romee again and Marcel fucked Marie. It was evening before Jacques and Marie left the house. They all vowed that they would get together again the next time Jacques and Marie were in town. Romeo learned that Marie had been a female impersonator when he met Jacques. Now they lived together in the Loire Valley.Romeo slept soundly that night although he could not get the image of Marie out of his mind. Marie looked so much like a young woman except for his cock and Romeo wanted to look that good. Romeo wanted his tits to get as big as Marie's and he wanted to be as shapely and hairless as Marie. Romeo knew that he needed to be patient and that day would come.
Rince and Spit
"How's that Dave, does it still pinch the gum?""It feels much better, Jim. Thanks for seeing me today. I don't think I could have made it until Monday.""Don't worry about it. My softball game was rained out. I'm going to take your plates out to polish them. Open just a little wider. I wish all of my patients were as easy to work on as you. I wish I had a nickel for every tooth mark left on my finger. Of, course, that isn't a problem with you. There we go; you can rinse your mouth now. Do you ever think about how things would be if you'd listened to my advice in college? Instead of being my patient, you could have been my partner.""Jim, everyone whuth doing sthpeed and coke back them. Even you thnorted your share of lines.""But not everyone continued to use that stuff. It was just something we did in college; I chose dentistry instead of years of drug abuse. Now, I have a practice, and you have a full set of dentures. I love the way you speak without your dentures. Imagine, Dave, if you had to spend your life trying to get by without a single tooth in your mouth.""I'm lucky thu have a fwen who will thake me without inthurance.""That reminds me, will you be making a payment today?""Thure, Thim, if you'd like me thoo.""Fine, let me polish them up while you get ready.""Oh, Bob; those are nice, my favorite shade of pink. Are they silk or satin?""Thay are thatin. I remembered that you like the bikini cut.""Well, they're very sexy, but you didn't have to wear panties and nylons just for a fitting. That's a pretty little bra you have on, as well. You must have done some shopping to find a matching set with a bra that fits you so well. I think I'll sit on my stool and you can get down on your knees in front of me.""Howth that Thim""That's great; you look so slutty when you kneel on the floor. You can open my fly and take my cock out now. Why don't you lick the head and fondle my balls, first? I haven't seen you in a while. I'd like you to take your time. Scrape your gums under the head. If you had teeth, that wouldn't feel near as good.""Oh, yeah, that feels nice. God, I'm hard as a rock, and you haven't even started. Okay, wrap your lips around my cock and start sucking. Take your time; I want to feel those gums sliding against my big dick. Oh, god, yeah! That's it; bob your head up and down for me. Open wide. That's nice; nothing like a blowjob from a toothless mouth.Oh, forget what I said about taking your time, this feels too good! Swirl your tongue and bite down with your gums a little tighter. Open wide, please, and turn to the left just a little. Yeah, that's it, up and down, faster. Faster, you cocksucking loser! Use some suction and suck me with your worthless mouth. It's not so worthless now, is it?Get ready to swallow. Not yet...not yet...now! Oh, fuck! Take my load, bitch! Swallow my cum and clean my cock. Oh yeah...oh god, that feels good! You were born to suck dick, you toothless fag. You can get off your knees and rinse and spit. Oh, that was great. Look, my cock is still hard. How would you like to make two payments today?""Thure, Thim; if you want me thoo.""Get back up in the chair for me. You're right about your panties; I just love the good old fashioned bikini style. Relax, while I tilt the chair back. I'm going to lower your head down, so I can straddle your face.""Umm, very nice. Open wide and take my balls into your mouth. That's good; massage my nuts with your gums. Oh, that's it, use your tongue, and lick my balls. I'm going to remove the headrest, so you can take my cock down your throat.Relax, Dave; you've done this before. Just let it slide past your gums and down your throat and I'll do the rest. See how easy it is when you relax? I'm going to fuck your face, loser. This may take a while, so make yourself comfortable. Would you like the headphones and listen to some music? Very well, you can listen to the suction hose. You are a drooler, no doubt about that.""It's a shame, that you don't enjoy giving blowjobs. Your dick isn't even making a bulge in your panties. I'm sure you wouldn't mind paying the dentist if you got off on sucking dick like a two-bit queer. Don't feel too bad, though. You'll earn enough to pay your bill. I'll see to that. Just think, if you weren't such a stupid loser, you could have a job that pays for dental visits.Oh, get ready to make your second payment! I'm going to dump this load straight down your throat. Don't worry; you know that I specialize in painless dentistry. God, I love humping your toothless face! Start swallowing, bitch! Bite down harder on my cock. You can feel it, can't you? You can feel my big dick on your toothless gums.Ah, shit, that felt great, and you didn't miss a drop. I'll raise you up, so you can rinse and spit. Relax and catch your breath. When you're ready, we can put your dentures back in your mouth.""You'd better get your clothes on. You look so hot in your bra and panties. I'd let you make another payment if I didn't have to pick up Mother at the mall.There, you're all set. Let me know if they give you any more trouble. I warned you that dentures are harder to adjust to than a partial or a bridge. I've been putting off telling you this because, under your circumstances, the news isn't good. Dave, your plates have about had their run. It's time for a new set.""When do you want to do this, Jim?""Let me check my calendar. What would be a good time for you to come in? I have another loser coming in next Saturday. We can put this off for another month.""You're the doctor, Jim. Whatever you think is best.""I'll write it down. Oh, and Dave, would you prep your colon before coming in? You know how expensive new plates are. Your outstanding balance is going to be considerably more.I'll knock off ten percent if you'll dress up like a sissy and lick my balls before I fuck you up the ass. I'll make it twenty if you'll clean my cock with your tongue and rim my asshole when I'm through with you.""You've never fucked me before, and you've never made me lick your ass. Couldn't you charge a little less, just for old time's sake?""Dentists are expensive, Dave. Would you rather see someone else?""You know we can't afford it, Jim.""That reminds me, we should start planning for Stacy's braces. My, doesn't the time fly? It seems like it was only yesterday, when you sucked me off pay to extract her last baby tooth.""I don't have any choice, do I?""Then, we're all set, I'll see you the third Saturday next month. Bring that little black dress with you. I love the way you look in that.""Sure thing, Jim. Have a good week and thanks, for everything.""No problem, loser; It's always a pleasure to treat my favorite patient."
Restaurant Encounter
I was in my mid-twenties and working away from home for the first time, staying in a hotel in London a few nights every week and travelling back up the country to my girlfriend at the weekend. It was hard going, and draining - I didn't really know any of the people I worked with, and there was very little to do outside of work hours. All I could do was go out to dinner by myself and read a book. Part of me felt that if I had too much fun on my own I would somehow be betraying my girl back home, who would doubtless be pining for me.There was a restaurant around 10 minutes walk from my hotel that I liked - it was large and modern, and not too busy, so I could always find a quiet spot and while away time there without feeling like I was taking up space. Plus the front-of-house staffer stationed by the entrance seemed to know me by now after only 3 or 4 visits, so I was starting to feel quite welcome - he was one of the few friendly faces in an otherwise solitary existence.In fact it was him who, on my fifth visit, came by my table while I was eating to check everything was okay. I was caught a little off guard actually, with my mouth full, and he stood there grinning while I hastily chewed and swallowed before managing a "fine, thank you"."Well don't forget, if you need anything give me a nod and I'll sort you out" he said, and as he smiled and started to walk away he placed his hand over mine on the table for the briefest second - then he was gone. I felt as if I'd been electrified - it was a completely unexpected moment of physical contact. My mind was racing as I tried to figure out if it could have been an accidental brush, or simple friendliness or something flirtatious. Was he gay? Was he attracted to me? I didn't know anybody gay and I just didn't know how to react to this attention - if indeed it was attention at all!After a couple of minutes I felt my heart settle down and I collected my thoughts enough to finish my meal and focus on my book. I stayed that way for maybe ten more minutes before I happened to glance up just as he was walking past a table at the other side of the room. He was looking my way and our eyes met for a brief second - then he smiled and started making his way over to me.I felt myself panic, but I tried to remain outwardly calm and friendly - I needed to be sure I didn't give him the wrong impression either by accepting unwanted advances, or by overreacting to non-existent ones. This time he knelt down next to my table so he was below my eyeline and engaged me in conversation.In fact, he was very friendly and conversation flowed easily - he asked why I was in here alone so often and I told him about my situation. It was easy and natural except - he kept touching my hand while he was talking. Sometimes it was a brief tap, and sometimes it was a linger, sometimes even further up my arm. And every time I felt confused and breathless, and I hoped he could not tell how flustered he was making me.Then he placed his hand on mine and left it there while he talked, holding my gaze quite intently, and suddenly the room seemed to fade into silence and darkness around me. All I was aware of was the touch on my hand, his eyes looking into min and - now - the uncomfortable swelling of my cock.Without thinking, I blurted out "where's the men's room?"He looked puzzled. "You've been here half a dozen times, and you don't know where the toilets are?"Now I felt flustered *and* stupid. I ought to know, but I'd never been - and it just sounded like a dumb question. What if he thought I was trying to get him to meet me there? Now my face was definitely flushed. He gave me an easy grin."Come on, follow me, they're just over here".Shit. I got up and followed, aware that I had a definite erection in my jeans. It was quite tangled up in my underwear so I was hoping it wasn't visible, but it was uncomfortable walking across the restaurant, and there were still several other full tables there. As we walked he commented on how tall I am - I'm 6'4, to his maybe 5'9 so I was definitely towering over him, but at that moment I wished I was invisible. He guided me to the men's room and for a brief terrifying second I thought he was going to come in with me, but thankfully he stood aside as I walked in, with a mumbled "thanks".It was small, 5 or 6 urinals and a couple of cubicles, and - again thankfully - empty. I walked over to the far left urinal, grateful that I would be able to get my aching cock out in peace and rearrange myself a little, before I calmed down and went back to my seat. However, I'd undone my belt and the buttons of my jeans when the door behind me opened. I looked in the mirror in front of me and I could see - it was him.He walked over and stood right next to me, so our hips were practically touching, and started to undo his fly.My blood was pounding in my ears, and I was aware that I'd stopped right at the point of releasing my cock, frozen in the act. He looked over at me. "Don't let me stop you" he said.I didn't know what to do. I couldn't think of a way out of this situation. I could feel his eyes on me, and I didn't dare make eye contact. Then I felt like I had to, and once our eyes met I couldn't look away.His body turned slightly to mine and mine to his, and at that moment I *knew*, without a shadow of a doubt, what it was that he wanted, and that I wanted it too. It still took long seconds for me to work up the courage but then I took the plunge and - without looking down - freed my cock from my underwear.I felt a wave of pleasure and relief as my trapped erection swelled to its full size (nearly 8") - I didn't dare look down but I knew that my rock hard cock was now bouncing freely between us. Still he held my gaze before finally looking down - and then I felt his fingers close around me and I gasped."I take it you've never done this before?" he said, and I shook my head. He went to his knees and suddenly I felt lips and tongue and warmth on my cock and I felt like my world was exploding. He took the head into his mouth, wrapping his hands around the base and working my cock back and forth, back and forth. I was absolutely out of my mind by now, and my face was hot with the shame of what I was doing, and the fear of someone walking in on us at that moment."Oh god" I moaned, and I felt him smile as he worked his mouth expertly over my cock. He tugged my jeans and underwear down to my knees and I felt his hands reach up and take hold of my buttocks, pulling me into him. He started to take me deeper into his mouth, with longer strokes and I could feel my tension building."Wait!" I said, and tried to pull away. He pulled back and my throbbing dick sprang free frmo his mouth, glistening with saliva. He looked a little surprised, but I said "lets go in the cubicle". He nodded and got up, grabbed my cock and led me into the cubicle, locking the door behind us.He was just about to go down on me again but I stopped him."I... I want to suck you" I said. "I really want you in my mouth, and I want to make you cum that way. I'm so, so horny right now I think I'd do anything you wanted, but I'm on a hair trigger here, and I'm afraid that if... if I finish too soon I won't want to do it anymore. Please - let me suck you now"He grinned at me and I felt his hand at the back of my neck. Suddenly he was pulling me down for a kiss, and before I really realised what was going on our tongues were mashed together in the hungriest, most passionate embrace I think I'd ever had. As our lips locked together and we kissed deeply, I reached down to his trousers. He'd unzipped them earlier, and I started to pull them down and slide my hands inside his underwear, seeking his cock. And then - for the first time - I held another man's erection in my hands. I gasped and he kissed even more deeply into my mouth as I encircled his cock with my fingers and slowly stroked him. As our bodies pressed together I felt my cock grow, if anything, even harder and he moaned into my mouth as our tongues danced and I held his cock.Then I dropped to my knees and pointed it at my mouth. I studied it for a few seconds, taking in its size (definitely at least an inch and a half smaller than mine, but it appeared huge up close), shape, smell - everything. I met his eyes as I opened my mouth and slowly accepted his cock into me. I saw his eyes roll up as my tongue tasted his head for the first time, a slightly saltiness, and oh so addictive. Once I had it in my mouth I just wanted to give him the best blowjob I was capable of giving. I ran my hands over his torso as he pulled his shirt over his head, all the while keeping his cock in my mouth and working my tong and lips over its length. I pulled my shirt off too, and knelt there, naked save for my trainers, and my jeans round my ankles, with my left hand holding my throbbing hard dick, and my right stroking this man's cock and my mouth devouring as much of it as I could.I worked my mouth and my hand in unison for I don't know how long, but I could tell he was enjoying it. He ran his fingers through my hair and moaned encouragement to me. God, I wanted his cum, but I never wanted it to end!Then I felt him starting to tense more and he moaned down at me "I'm going to cum!". I wanted to see this happen, I wanted him to spray me with his cum, to feel it on my body. I pulled my mouth off and held his twitching cock taut, watching in slow motion just as an orgasm ripped through his body and a hot stream of cum painted a line across my chest and my face. Another spurt, and another, seemed to shower me in a hot spatter that went everywhere. I clamped my lips softly over his tip in time to feel the last of his cum draining out of his cock into my mouth - I couldn't believe I was tasting his cum, playing with it, swallowing it, but it felt glorious. I looked up and smiled, eager for his approval, and he smiled back and pulled me to my feet, kissing me deeply again and sharing his taste in my mouth.He kissed my neck and worked his way down my body, taking my nipples into his mouth and playing with them. My girlfriend had *never* done this and it felt incredible, a dull throbbing that seemed to spread from my chest and run straight to my groin. I couldn't take much more and he knew I was desperate for an orgasm, so he went to his knees and started sucking me again.It was incredible, every second of his mouth on me was bliss and I think I barely lasted a minute before finally losing it and shooting into his mouth. Our eyes locked as my body shuddered its way through the most intense orgasm I'd ever experienced, and he took every shot from my pulsing cock in his mouth. He held me there for a long time as I gradually calmed down, before coming up again to kiss me.My knees buckled and I sat back onto the toilet seat, as he followed me down and straddled me, sitting on my lap and kissing me. We were both practically naked and feeling his thighs against mine, and his arms around me was as thrillingly erotic. I had no idea how long we'd been in there, how much noise we'd made or how on earth I was going to clean myself up enough to get out of there, but - right then - I didn't care. In fact, I astonished myself - I did not feel panic or guilt right then, as I was so afraid of. All I could think of was how right it had felt and how much I wanted to do it all over again...
Rest Area Can Be a Man Sex Bonanza
This is a true story of one of my sexual adventures. I hope it heats up your day as it has mine just writing it and remembering that days man to man pleasures.I often travel up I25 to do business in Albuquerque. Its a lonely desert interstate with little in the way of civilization. There are 3 rest areas with bathroom facilities between Las Cruces & ALB. I usually stop at each one to pee and I'm always looking for a contact.One evening shortly before dark I came upon the middle rest area. I was feeling very horny and was playing with my cock as I drove thinking about sucking a nice cock. When I pulled in I saw only one other car and I could see that only one man was in it. As I got out I rubbed my crotch looking at the stranger and started going in the direction of the bathroom. His car door came immediately open and out he came rubbing his cock and smiling. He was an average size guy late 50's or early 60's. His demeanor let me know immediately that he was a player.He began walking towards one of the picnic canopies and signaled me to follow. The canopy was blocked off to the road with a brick wall and had only a small porthole window. Made for playing and easy to see others pull in, fairly safe for two dick hungry guys to meet and explore our cocklust.As we met we both reached for the others cock, feeling throbbing meat. I felt a hard delicious piece of man meat bursting to get out. Almost at the same time we asked each other what we liked to do and we both answered suck and be sucked. Each of us expressing a burning hunger for man meat. The passion that enveloped us was equally powerful and the electric sensations that our cock lust revealed was overwhelming. It was so exciting that we passionately kissed openly exchanging our tongues and rubbing our cocks together. The feeling of his shaft rubbing mine was incredible and only added to my already lustful state of mind.He went to his knees mauling my cock through My shorts. I quickly pulled them down so that he could get to my cock. He hungrily chowed down on my shaft sending rivers of pleasure up my spine. He sucked me a few minutes and then I told him I wanted his cock too. Knowing well the hunger I felt to taste his swollen manhood he unbuckled and dropped his pants and underwear. I got down on my knees passionately swallowing him whole. Damn did he taste good. I proceeded to lick his beautiful 7" swollen shaft swirling my tongue over the crown and helmet rim, then I swallowed as much as I could reveling in the incredible masculine taste of his engorged manhood. This man was exactly what I was looking for when I stopped. A fantacy cum true.He pulled me up and kissed me again our exposed cocks rubbing as our passionate embrace sent pleasure spikes over my entire body. I knew I wanted all of this man. A quick roadside blow was not enough. He told me that he would love to get me naked. My thoughts exactly as I wanted to make passionate love to his entire nakedness. I told him lets do it. There was a town about 20 miles up the road with motels. he said that he would get him a room for the night. We zipped up our pants and drove towards our destination.It was hard not to jack off I was so fucking hot. I was so hot as the taste of dick meat and sweet precum was still fresh in my mouth. Only a true cocksucker who loves the tastes and feel of a mans cock can relate to the desires flooding my mind.After what seemed forever we arrived and he got the room. I came in after a few minutes and was greeted with a hungry kiss. We both immediately stripped off our clothes and embraced rubbing our nakedness and running our hands over each others bodies. The heat in that room was intense, 2 men both full of cock lust with time and a place to pleasure and give pleasure to each other. What better a scenario than that. We decided to take a shower together to clean our bodies. There was plenty of room for two so we soaped up each others bodies paying special attention to each others cock, balls and ass. The warm water only added to our gay lust. I washed his cock and he washed mine. Passionately we kissed as we enjoyed eachothers shafts. Both of our cocks were stiff and aching for what we both knew would happen.He had an average 7" cock of average girth, with a slightly oversized mushroom shaped head. Absolutely perfect for sucking. His beautiful cock curved slightly upward and his lust was revealed in its hard as rock erection. He was perfect and I hoped I'd found a regular lover to meet in ALB or even EL Paso, he turned out to be from Mississippi though so the best we could do was one fabulous one night stand.We lay on the bed in a 69 position and began licking and sucking each others cocks. Finally we had achieved our desired position. Our equally mutual love for eachothers cock inspired both of us to new heights of man lust. He moaned as he serviced my shaft, commenting on how deliciously hard I was. I knew he was as into my dick as I was into his. I got under his balls and kissed them gently as I worked his cock with my hand. His balls were sensitive and I carefully sucked both balls one at a time as he moaned his approval. Next I was kissing his freshly washed asshole, licking and probing his man pussy and taking in the masculine smells that make man to man sex so intoxicating. Our hunger being so great and our passion for each others cock so intense we both realized that if we didn't slow down it would be over too soon. Both wanting this to go on longer we turned embraced and kissed passionately.Rubbing our naked bodies, feeling, smelling, tasting each others maleness, we found ourselves panting and groaning our mutual pleasure. Then we took turns sucking each others cock. balls and ass as each of us reveled in the pleasure of servicing the other. As we took turns the one being sucked talked about how good it felt, how good a cocksucker we were and how much we wanted to fill one anothers mouths with cum.Finally when we could wait no longer we got into a 69 position and both got down to some serious cock sucking. His mouth felt like velvet as he kissed and coddled my manhood. Making love to eachothers cocks as only men can. I only wanted to finish him off with one of his best orgasms ever. His cock was so good that I wanted to suck him forever but alas as all good things must end. Finally as if on cue he rewarded my efforts with a hot load of man milk that I greedily sucked out of his shaft. Two then three eruptions of cum filled my mouth and I happily swallowed every drop,swishing it in my mouth I continued to suck his shrinking love tool. Within seconds of his first ejaculation he took my cum as well hungrily swallowing my full load. My orgasm left me shaking with pleasure. We continued to tenderly nurse each others shaft until they softened and then we came together passionately kissing to end a perfect man sex encounter.After realizing that we were to far away from each other to continue I went to Albuquerque because I had an early morning meeting. When I got there I went to my favorite glory hole sight and sucked off one more glorious 8" cock that filled my hungry mouth to satisfy my lust for more, though I waited a little longer no more came my way.I finished the night jacking off in my bed remembering the two delicious dicks I'd just enjoyed.
New Year Surprise
January 1, 2010, my friends and I had organised a day at the races to welcome in the New Year. We had all partied hard the night before and everyone bravely surfaced to join in the masses of people at the race course. After the first few drinks going down like razor blades, the alcohol was soon having the desired effect and we were all 'topped up' once again. I had no trouble backing up from the night before, being 23 years old at the time, 6 feet 4 inches, athletic, sandy blonde hair and green eyes.After lucking out on the horses, my attention turned to the phillies off the track to see if my fortunes would change. Being a very warm day, the girls were not leaving much to the imagination; combined with the alcohol were beginning to make me very horny indeed. I got a few bites and nibbles here and there, scoring a few pashes off a couple of girls, but nothing solid looked likely towards the end of the day. Things were looking disastrous, now I was increasingly drunk and even hornier than before.My friends decided it would be a good idea to head to the casino to continue the party once the sun went down. Being dressed up to the nines and feeling pretty confident I decided this sounded like a brilliant idea. After the short trip, we were nestled into a cocktail lounge sipping on cocktails and eyeing up the gorgeous women.After a couple of drinks, I needed to visit the men's room. At that time I received a call on my cell phone. I quickly slipped outside to take the call as it was very noisy inside the bar. After about 10 minutes, I went back inside but could not find any of my friends. I asked the barman which way they had gone and he had pointed to the gaming floor. After losing a tremendous amount of money of the horses throughout the day, I was not keen to continue my losing streak on black jack or roulette.I sent a text message to my friends saying I was heading home for the evening and started weaving my way to the cab station. I stood at the back of the line and patiently waited to get into a cab home. After about 5 minutes and the line moving along slowly, I get a tap on the shoulder.'Matt! How are you? Long-time no see!' It was a former co-worker Brad grinning from ear to ear and looking about as drunk as I felt. Brad was a couple of years older than me, a bit shorter and bit thicker set around the waist.'I'm good Brad, how about you?' We then spent the rest of the time in line generally drunk chit-chatting.Once we got to the front of the line, we realised we still lived in roughly the same area. We quickly decided to share a cab as we were enjoying catching up after two years.The cab pulled up at my place, and to my surprise, Brad jumped out first. He said he lived not far from my place and would walk the rest of the way home.After paying the driver, we walked across the road to the side of my apartment building. We both stood there chatting for a bit before I said,'Hey you want to come in for a quick night cap for your walk home?''Sure!' Brad replied.So inside we went, I quickly made us a vodka, lime and soda while Brad sat on the couch flicking through the TV to find a music channel. When I returned, he asked if I had any good music DVD's, before I could answer, he had hit the TV/AV button on the remote and the TV screen was instantly filled with the title screen of the porno I had watched early that morning before going to the races.I instantly went red as I had jerked off watching it some 12 hours earlier.'I, um, I don't know how...''It's OK Matt, we all watch it... Oooh, I didn't know you were an anal man!'The porno was some low budget anal romp with no storyline, just scene after scene of guy on girl action. He casually clicked on the first scene and leant back on the couch.It hit me all of sudden, the alcohol, having someone I knew only through work sitting my couch watching porn, it was all a bit overwhelming. I needed to splash my face with some water. I quickly excused myself and walked to the bathroom. I ran the cold tap and splashed some water over my face and neck, unbuttoning the top button of my dress shirt and loosening my tie.I looked at myself in the mirror and told myself that he'll finish his drink then go home; I could then jerk off to the porno then go to sleep myself. I dried my face, instinctively checked my hair out of habit then went back to the lounge room.When I got back I was truly in shock. Brad had half reclined back on the couch with his cock sticking out of his trousers, working his hand slowly up and down his shaft.'What the fuck are you doing!' I said, staring at his rock hard dick.'Oh, sorry... Didn't you do this with your buddies in high school?''NO! Are you gay or something?!' I said.He gave me knowing look and told me gently to sit down. My eyes still hadn't left his cock, I had never seen another hard penis in real life before aside from my own.I was strangely fascinated.I watched his hand dance up and down, slowly gripping it tighter at the end. It was mesmerising.'You can touch it if you want' Brad said, breaking the awkward lull in our conversation.'I.. Um.. Wouldn't know what I am doing..." I said nervously back.'Come on, there is no right or wrong, here come closer' He patted the space next to him.I slid over and instantly before I need what I was doing I was reaching out with my hands, engulfing the stem and head of his cock.'There you go...' He cooed softly.I don't know what it was, the alcohol, the porn blaring the background, but I just needed my lips around his dick.I lowered my head, my mouth zeroing in on the beet red tip of his dick. I worked my hands up and down his shaft while my lips and tongue danced around the swollen head.He started making some approving grunting noises which spurred my confidence on. I started sucking greedily on his dick, turning myself on with what I was doing. One of my hands had found his testicles, I was playfully squeezing them as I slid his cock in and out of my mouth.This continued on for a short amount of time, probably around three to four minutes before Brad gently grabbed my head and pulled it away.'Here, stand up'I obliged, he unshackled my belt, unzipped my pants and pulled them down with my underwear. Unbeknown to me I was sporting a massive erection, I didn't even feel it swelling up. I didn't know if Brad was going to touch my cock, or suck it? What was going to happen?Before I had time to react, he grabbed me by the hips, swivelled me around and placed his hand on the small of my back, forcing my forward and to rest my hands on the coffee table.I was about to ask what he was doing but before any sound came out I felt his fingers force my butt cheeks apart and his face get buried in my ass crack. I nearly jumped two feet in the air I was that surprised, then I felt his wet tongue dancing around my asshole! I had never had a girl do this ot me before, so a guy doing it was something I had never even imagined.The sensation was phenomenal, it sent shivers through my body as his slippery little muscle flicked back and forth over my hard sphincter. I had relaxed a little now, I now felt his hands separating my cheeks even further. His licks were becoming more rigid and purposeful. I then felt the tip enter my asshole, very slowly and deliberate and first, but before long he was pumping it in and out of me as quick as he could.Again the pleasure was very intense, my cock was as stiff as it had ever been in my entire life. I found myself unconsciously grinding my hips back onto his face as his tongue worked it's magic inside of me.At this point, being very drunk probably helped, but I was just leaning over enjoying what was happening. I had no time to react again as I felt him stand up behind me and position himself behind me a line his cock up with my now swollen anus.'Woah Brad..' I started.'Shhh shhhh shhh, it is OK...' Came his response.He then pressed forward and inched his throbbing cock inside me. It felt like I was tearing in two, he was taking it slow, but it felt like it would not go in at all. I tried moving forward, but he grabbed my hips and held me firmly into place and after a few minutes his was sliding it in and out with relative ease.'This isn't so bad is it?' He said in a cheery voice.'Uh... No I guess not!' I replied, still rather nervous.With the porn still playing on the TV, I was finding it very hot, I had never even seriously contemplated being with another man, yet here I was getting fucked from behind by I guy I knew only through work.Brad began to quicken his pace, I could hear some deep guttural grunts coming from deep within his throat. I how now totally relaxed, and although it still hurt somewhat, Brad was flying in and out of me very quckly. I knew what was about to happen next and began to anticipate his orgasm. After always wondering if girls can feel a guy cumming in them, I was slightly let down!Brad let out a stifled moan, grabbed my hips really hard then proceeded to pump his cock in and out very slowly and deep as he shot his load inside me. I couldn't actually feel his cum, but after he pulled out with a soft 'plop', it started to run down the back of my leg.'Ah shit!' I said, as I scuttled off to the bathroom for a towel, not wanting to get his jizz on the carpet. I quickly jumped into the shower and rinsed off, massaging my very used anus under the cascading water, cleaning out his semen in the process.I flicked the shower off, wrapped a towel around me waist and walked back into the lounge room.'Hey I think we should talk about what just...'My voice trailed off as I entered the room, Brad had left without saying goodbye, just his half full vodka lime and soda leaving condensation on my coffee table.I smiled gently, flipped off the TV and fell into bed exhausted but very satisfied.
Manly Persuasion
"Man, these are good, Javier! I didn't know you were such a good cook! You are full of surprises!"Jeff was eating the arepas I had cooked earlier. I wasn't at all hungry and sat at the table, my chin resting in the palms of my hands, and my eyes closed. I still felt sluggish and groggy and couldn't understand why the wine hit me so hard. Slowly, I opened my eyes, gave a weak smile and said, "Thanks.""You sure you don't want any? You haven't touched yours . . . they taste great! C'mon, eat some."I shook my head. "No . . . you go ahead. I'm really tired."Jeff kept on eating and I watched him. After a few minutes, my thoughts were a little clearer and I sat up."Jeff . . .""Yeah?""You didn't put anything in my wine, did you?" Jeff just looked at me and I continued on. "I'm so tired, dude. I've never felt like this after just drinking a couple of glasses of wine."Jeff continued looking at me and I couldn't read his face. After a few moments, he said "C'mon man, you know I wouldn't do something like that."He paused and then started grinning. "Although . . . come to think of it . . . maybe that wouldn't have been such a bad idea. I mean, if you'd have been drugged up, I could've done whatever I wanted with that hot body of yours!"I looked hard at Jeff. "I think you just did, man."Jeff quit grinning. "Come on Javier, don't make me feel bad. You have no idea the effect you have on me." He hesitated and then said, "Look . . . if I reacted like that it was because . . ."I shook my head. "Jeff, just forget it . . . forget what I said . . . okay?"Carefully, I reached out, picked up one of the arepas, and took a bite. I chewed on it and swallowed but didn't want any more. "I'll eat some later, man. I'm not real hungry right now."He kept trying to talk to me as he ate, but I wasn't really listening. In fact, I wasn't in much of a mood to talk at all. My mind was elsewhere, thinking about the rough fucking Jeff had given me earlier.The day was supposed to be a fun day, just two friends having fun, since we wouldn't see each other for a while. But it became clear that Jeff had planned a lot more for the day than I thought it would be. He had fucked me twice and the last time, the action was different. He was more aggressive and had fucked me without a condom. His comments made it clear that he had wanted to fuck me bare like that for a long time. And I still wondered whether he had drugged my wine as well.All these thoughts were flowing through my head as he finished eating. I think Jeff noticed the distance because he kept asking me if I was okay. I just nodded my head and smiled. But I really wasn't okay. I needed to sort things out first."C'mon, let's clean up the dishes and then watch some shows," Jeff said. "We've got about 3 hours left before I gotta take you back."I helped pick up the dishes and we started rinsing them off. As I stood at the sink, I felt something on the back of my leg. I thought at first it was just some sweat trickling down. But after a minute, I knew it was something else. I reached down and started pulling down my shorts. Jeff looked at me and started grinning."What, you tryin to turn me on again, man?" he laughed.I didn't say anything and let my shorts drop to the ground. A thin stream of milky liquid was slowly running down my leg."FUCK! What's that?" I shouted.Jeff looked, laughed again and said, "That's my cum, Javier. I guess my load is still inside you and it started coming out."I looked around for something to wipe it off, when Jeff said, "Come here, let me take care of that." He picked up a couple of kitchen towels and started walking to the kitchen door. I followed him and we went into the next room.I thought he was going to take me to the bathroom so I could get the cum out of my ass and was surprised when he pointed to a sofa and said, "Sit down."I was still a little out of it and sat down without thinking. Suddenly, Jeff pulled my legs roughly towards him, lifted them up, leaned down and started licking my ass. I was shocked and wondered what the hell he was doing. His tongue started going inside and I started struggling."Whoa, Jeff. No man, don't do that. My ass hurts. Just help me clean it up."Jeff hesitated a moment, and then said, "Okay, man, okay. Relax. Lay back and let me clean you up." He reached over for a towel and I lay my head back and closed my eyes. For a few moments, nothing happened. I could still feel the cum leaking out and waited for Jeff to start wiping my ass and leg. There was some movement and then I heard Jeff's voice say, "Relax, Javier. I'll do it slow. Just breathe deeply and relax."I started breathing slower and could feel my body start to give in to the exhaustion. Seconds later, I felt something touch my hole and press on it. I thought Jeff was using the towel to wipe my ass, but this felt different. Suddenly, I felt intense pain and my hole splitting open. My head jerked up just in time to see Jeff beginning to guide his cock into my ass. He was going to try to fuck me . . . again!I was shocked but the pain was agonizing and spurred me into action. I started struggling again and shouted at him."STOP JEFF!! FUCK! It HURTS!"Jeff kept pushing his cock into my ass and I couldn't take the pain any more. Even though he was holding my legs tightly, I wrenched my body away from him and struggled to stand up. I was exhausted but knew that if I didn't stop him, he'd be fucking me again. And probably even harder this time. With a final burst of strength, I wrenched my legs out of his grip, pushed him away, and managed to stand up. As I got to my feet, I glared angrily at Jeff."What the fuck is wrong with you?" I shouted. "Quit being such an asshole! I told you it hurts! All I wanted you to do was help clean me up and you try to fuck me!" I paused, breathing rapidly, and said, "Goddamn it, I'm not your fucking BITCH!!!"When I stood up, Jeff had fallen backwards and was looking up at me. He had a shocked look on his face, realizing that he had gone too far. When he spoke, his voice was low."Javier, I'm sorry! You're just so . . .""I don't give a shit what you thought! You're treating me like some whore you own. I'm your FRIEND, Jeff! Your FRIEND!! And I'm straight! What, you think I'm some gay boy you can just fuck whenever you want? I'm not your boyfriend, man . . ."Jeff looked down and didn't move. My burst of anger probably upset him, but I was too pissed over the lack of respect he was showing me. And frankly, I didn't give a damn if he was upset. We were both quiet for a while and, as my anger died down, I began to feel bad about what I had said."Jeff . . . man, you're my friend. I've enjoyed all our time together. But I'm not just a fuck toy. I mean, I don't even treat ladies like that. Just respect me for who I am and our friendship . . . okay?"Jeff was still looking down and after a few seconds, nodded his head."C'mon . . . let's just watch some TV and chill, okay? I don't have that much longer left before I have to go."Jeff looked up at me for a long moment. He didn't say anything, but the look on his face was puzzling. He didn't look mad and he didn't look happy. He looked . . . I don't know how to describe it. He looked . . . sad . . . like I'd disappointed him or something.I reached out my hand and said, "C'mon . . . let me go wash this shit outta my ass and then we can watch some shows." He paused a moment more, then reached out and let me pull him up."Go ahead and shower, Javier. I'll wait for you in the bedroom."I smiled and nodded at him. As I walked towards the bathroom, I heard him say, "Javier . . ." I looked back at him. The strange look was still on his face."Yeah?"He kept looking at me a minute. "Nothing."I laughed and said, "Go chill and I'll be there in a few."The rest of the afternoon was nice, even though I still felt a little woozy. Jeff and I watched TV together, eventually I had my arepas and drank some fruit juice. Definitely no more wine for me! It was funny, but after about 30 minutes, while we were watching a movie, Jeff leaned over and put his head against my shoulder. I looked over at him and he smiled. I smiled back but felt a little awkward. It reminded me of how my girlfriend would sometimes put her head against my shoulder when we watched TV together in bed.Around 4 PM, Jeff drove me back to my car in the mall parking lot. He was quiet most of the way back and I did most of the talking. I could tell something was wrong and thought he was still upset about my yelling at him. Regardless, I knew that he'd probably be better when he got back from his vacation after he had a chance to think things over. I kept up our banter until he pulled up in front of my car. As he stopped, I leaned over like I usually did and gave him a friendly hug. He held on to me longer than usual and I had to pull away to break the hug. Smiling, I opened the door, got out, and leaned in the window of his Explorer."Have fun on your trip, man. Think of me when you're relaxing on the beach. And drink some cool ones for me!"Jeff had a serious look on his face and, after a moment, smiled back at me."I will. Thanks for today, Javier. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.""Yeah man. It was . . . okay. See ya in a couple of weeks." I pulled out and started towards my car."Javier?" Jeff shouted. I walked back over and looked at him."Yeah?"Jeff looked down and was silent a moment. I waited. After a minute, he looked back up at me with that serious look on his face again."I wanted to tell you . . ." He paused. "I wanted to tell you that I . . ."A quizzical look crossed my face. "Tell me what, Jeff?""That I love you."Shocked, I kept looking at Jeff, at a loss for words."I gotta say it. I love you, Javier. I always have. Ever since the day I met you at the gym, I fell head over heels for you, man. I think about you all the time. I can't get you out of my mind! Your body drives me wild and I've never wanted to fuck with a guy like I've wanted to fuck with you. You're PERFECT to me, and I . . . I . . . I wanted you to know that . . . that I love you."I don't know how much time went by, but I kept looking at Jeff. His serious look changed to a slight smile and he waited for me to say something. But I couldn't.Finally, Jeff said, "SAY something, Javier."I looked down at the ground and then back at Jeff. At last, I found the strength to speak."Well . . . just . . . have fun, man. I'll . . . see ya later."I walked over to my car, got in, and drove off.---------------------------As I walked in the front door of my apartment, one thought stood out in my mind.My ass hurt.Even though I got most of Jeff's cum out when I showered at his house, it still hurt to even touch my hole. I checked my ass out in the bathroom mirror by pulling my cheeks apart and saw my hole was a bright red color. Jeff had fucked me so hard that the edges of my hole gaped a little and it felt like hell every time I sat down. When we were watching TV, I had to put a pillow underneath it just to try to lessen the pain.I thought maybe soaking my ass in some warm water might help, so I started running a bath in the tub. As the tub was filling up, my cell phone rang. To my chagrin, the caller ID told me it was my girlfriend calling.I pressed the answer button and said, "Hi baby, how was work?""Oh, it was okay. Nothing special. How was your day?""Mmmm, it was okay. I was feeling a little sick and decided to come home early."There was a pause. "You mean you're home already?""Yeah. I wasn't feeling good.""Ohhhh, I'm sorry, baby. You want me to come over and cook you something to eat? Help take care of you?"Fuck. With my sore ass, I didn't want to see anybody right then."I wish you could babe, but I'm just going to go to bed. I think I'm coming down with something.""Well I can still come by and . . .""No baby, don't do that. I really just want to sleep right now."There was a long silence on her end. Fuck. I knew what that meant."You DON'T want me to take care of you? At ALL?"I had to think quick or I was gonna have to deal with more shit than what I was dealing with right then."Honey, it isn't that I don't WANT you! I'm just not feeling good and I need to rest. There's no reason for you to come over and . . .""Well, it certainly sounds like you don't want me to come." I stayed quiet and didn't say anything. After a few moments of cold silence, I could hear tears in her voice as she said, "I'm not going to bother you while you're sleeping. I just want to be there with you, in case you need something."Fuck. Fuck, fuck, FUCK!I took a deep breath and said, "Babe . . . I appreciate that. But just not now. Not tonight. Let me get some rest and I'll call you when . . .""FINE. Call me when you're ready. Goodnight." I heard the call disconnect and the line go dead.Sighing, I put the phone down, pulled off the rest of my clothes and carefully got in the tub. As my ass touched the water, the stinging sensation started immediately. I jerked my ass up and paused. Then carefully . . . slowly . . . deliberately . . . I lowered myself in the water and lay back. In a few minutes, the stinging in my ass subsided. I closed my eyes and relaxed as the warm water caressed my body.As I lay there soaking, I tried to let go of the thoughts in my mind as well. But it was difficult to do. I kept thinking about how upset my girlfriend was with me. I felt guilty because I loved her and really did want her to be with me. But there was no way I could hide the pain in my ass from her.And Jeff. What was with his "I love you" thing? I mean, where did THAT come from?The more I thought about it, the more confused I was. I remembered Jeff and me working out in the gym. How he always pushed me to do more, to achieve. Becoming friends . . . good friends. I smiled when I thought about the massages and how Jeff slowly, but surely, persuaded me to let him touch my cock. And to suck my cock. God, how great that was! Jeff helped me discover a side that I had never explored. Had never even thought about.And the fucking . . . shit, did THAT take me by surprise! A year ago, if anyone had ever suggested that I would let a man fuck me, I'd have kicked their ass from here to the moon. I mean, I was a MAN . . . a straight man . . . and I did the fucking. But again, Jeff had opened me up to experiences that I never dreamed possible. That I'd actually enjoy getting fucked. And I learned that being fucked made me no less a man than I was before.Until . . . until . . .My eyes snapped open.Until today. Today wasn't just another day. Sure, Jeff had told me "let's just enjoy ourselves and kick back, have a few drinks, get a good workout . . ." I never, ever suspected that what he really wanted to do was to fuck me . . . hard . . . bare . . . and like I was a bitch or something. Disrespecting me. Disrespecting my manhood. And even when I was in pain after his fucking, he tried to do it again and didn't give a SHIT about how I felt. I saw a side to him I'd never seen in all the months we'd been friends. And then he had the balls to tell me he loved me? What the fuck was that all about?I got out of the tub, pulled a towel off the counter, and started drying myself. And as I rubbed the towel over me, my mind became calm and I began to realize the truth.Jeff was my friend. And we had some great times together, in bed and out. But love? No way. I knew that I loved someone . . . and she was upset and probably crying now because she thought I didn't want her to be with me. But I did want her to be with me. Forever.Yeah, Jeff was my friend. But from the first time he fucked me, I knew . . . I just knew . . . that it would never be the same. And as much as I appreciated all the things Jeff did for me . . . the gifts . . . the caring . . . the sharing . . . I could never be in love with him like I was with my girlfriend. Because I was who I was. And he was who he was. And between the two . . . there was no bridge.I wrapped the towel around me, carefully feeling my ass before I knotted it. It still hurt like hell and I knew it would be awhile before it would be back to normal. But back to normal it would eventually be. Just like my life.---------------------------It's been 5 years since I walked out of the bathroom and sat down at my computer. I wrote Jeff an e-mail and did the best I could to tell him it was over. I don't remember the exact wording, but it was clear enough for him to know that I wouldn't ever see him again.I don't think he liked it but at least he respected my decision. I know he and his boyfriend eventually moved from Ohio down to Tampa, Florida, but he still e-mails me from time to time. He often tells me how much he wishes we were still together. Maybe he does. But I laughed when I read his last e-mail. He mentioned that he had met another latino guy at his gym and was "working on him". I grinned and thought of the old saying, "A leopard does not change his spots." That definitely applies to Jeff!And me? Well . . . nothing special. I'm married now to my girlfriend and we have a child. I'm very happy with my family, my job, and just living my life.I know some people reading this story are wondering if I ever messed around with a guy again after Jeff. The answer is simple - no. Even though I enjoyed my experiences, I'm done with men. I admit I get a bit nostalgic at times when I think about Jeff and our close friendship and how it turned out. And I can remember the great sex! But that's as far as it goes. I'm committed . . . to my wife . . . my child . . . and me.I will say though that the biggest thing I learned from my experiences is to not be afraid to live your life the way YOU want to live it. Regardless of what other people think, live it for you.Every day.Every moment.Every thing.Yes, I'm a straight man and I had sex with another man. But that doesn't make me anything other than what I choose it to make me. I know people will think I'm "this" or I'm "that" and that's fine with me. Because I am who I am. And they are who they are. We're human beings . . . and I think that says it all.I experienced something that opened me up to the beauty of life, in all its wild, strange, and crazy ways. I am . . . who I am. And I wouldn't have it any other way.How many people can honestly say that about themselves?
Hey guys help me today
I will be online for a long time today and I hope you guys come to my room because I will be doing hot parties and groups for you, I will be following all your requests and I want to give you all my hot milk from my monster cocknnSo guys be ready for being hard with me
Hey guys I just check my profile and I see that I am on of the models who have earned the most Flirt of the Hour.Thank you very much for your support and I hope I can count with you guys always.kisses and hugs for all of you!!!
Never say goodbye if you still want to treat,Never give up if you feel thatcan continue to fight, Never tella person no longer love her if you canlet it go.Love comes to those who wait, but itare disappointed, to those who still believe,although it has been betrayed.For those who still need love, but beforehas been injured, and one who has the courageand faith to build trust again.The beginning of love is to let those whoknow whether they themselves, not treat themturn to our own image, becausethen we will love only the reflection of ourselvesourselves in them.Do not go outside, this can fool you,Do not go for wealth, that even that is lost,Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes soonly a smile to make a dark day shine.Read more: http://authspot.com/poetry/the-love-part-three/#ixzz1kDpLdb5T
good today, 29 December 2011 and is soon to end. a year. this year as they all end up with bad and good Recuero. my would say that most are good. for more than a year since I met this work. the truth I did not think I was going to go too slowly I knew what you would like to see and what they were looking at a place like this. I've just taken a year I have a very little I still have a lot but thanks to you I could get by being a little more independent and grow much longer I hope to take with you and learn more everyday. for me this year is one that I will remember most. I've grown a lot as a person thanks. seo them all a happy new year and hopefully also for you there ..... been an unforgettable year HAPPY FRIENDS .................That night beautifulfull of magic and colorI feel in my soulthe illusionI want to sharewith everyone this emotionheat homehe / she feels this Christmas(Anahi)I love you likewith the soul of the beautiful things, buta desire to engage the starthat illuminates the world(Daniela Lujn)ChristmasChristmas starsis the magic that is fullhope the heartChristmasChristmas starsthe party is without borderswho lives with the same emotion
bueno hoy 29 de diciembre del ao 2011 ya esta pronto por terminar . un ao que . este ao como todos se termina con malos y buenos recueros . de mi podra decir que la mayora son buenos . pues ya mas de una ao que conoc este trabajo . la verdad no pens que me Fuera a ir tambin poco a poco conoc lo que les gustara ver a ustedes y quE es lo que estaban buscando en un sitio como este . apenas llevo un ao he a prendido Muy poco todava me falta mucho pero gracias a ustedes he podido salir adelante ser un poco mas independiente y crecer espero durar mucho mas tiempo con ustedes y aprender cada da mas .para mi este ao es uno de los que mas voy a recordar. he crecido mucho como persona gracias . les de seo a todos un feliz ao y que ojala tambin para ustedes all sido un ao inolvidable ..... FELIZ AO AMIGOS .................Esa noche hermosallena de magia y de colorSiento en el almala ilusinQuiero compartircon todo el mundo esta emocinhogar de calorque l / ella siente esta navidad(Anahi)Te amo comocon el alma de las cosas bellas, peropara enganchar un deseo esa estrellaque ilumina el mundo entero(Daniela Lujn)navidadnavidad de las estrellases la magia que est llenode esperanza el coraznnavidadnavidad de las estrellases la fiesta sin fronterasque se vive con la misma emocin
Hi today I will talk a little about my blog do not often do not speak English. and no I never happened. the idea of writing something is ca. but hey I will talk about my hot guy always ready for you, I like to please them all. my sexual orientation is something bisexual because only an em the cake. I like girls grab or put to mourn with my big cock jejejej that is 22 cm, well this is a bit of me and the days pass I will tell more about me I hope to visit me in my chat. and to have a pleasant conversation not speak English so remember to ask for some good jejeje pasiencia kisses and hugs
hola hoy hablare un poco de mi casi no frecuento mi blog por que no hablo ingles . y no se nunca se me ocurrio . la idea de escribir algo ha ca . pero bueno les hablare de mi soy un chico caliente siempre dispuesto para ustedes , me gusta complacerlos en todo . mi orientacion sexual es algo bisexual por que solo em la an chupado . me gusta cojer chicas u poner las a llorar con mi gran polla jejejej que es de 22 cm bueno esto es un poco de mi ya a pasar de los dias les contare mas de mi espero que me visiten en mi chat . y poder tener una conversacion agradable recuerden no hablo ingles asi que pido un poco de pasiencia jejeje bueno besos y abrazos
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